Association‌ of‌ State‌ &‌ Territorial‌ Dental‌ Directors
3858‌ Cashill Blvd.,‌ Reno,‌ NV‌ ‌89509
Phone‌ 775-626-5008‌‌

The Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) is a national non-profit organization representing the directors and staff of state/territorial public health agency programs for oral health. It was organized in 1948 and is one of 20 affiliates of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO). ASTDD formulates and promotes the establishment of national dental public health policy, assists state/territorial dental programs in the development and implementation of programs and policies for the prevention of oral diseases; builds awareness and strengthens dental public health professionals' knowledge and skills by developing position papers and policy statements; provides information on oral health to health officials and policy makers, and conducts conferences for the dental public health community.

A strong and effective governmental oral health presence in states and territories to assure optimal oral health.

ASTDD provides leadership to support state and territorial oral health programs, address health equity, integrate oral health into overall health, and promote evidence-based and evidence-informed policies and practices.

The ASTDD Membership consists of the chief dental public health officer (state dental director) of the state health department or equivalent agency, and the U. S. Territories. ASTDD also offers Individual or Organizational Associate Membership which is open to any public agency, voluntary organization, tribal entity and/or health professionals employed or interested in dental public health. Members and Associate members serve on and chair committee's or work groups, receive the ASTDD newsletter, are enrolled on the ASTDD list serve, and participate in the ASTDD Annual Business Meeting held in conjunction with the annual National Oral Health Conference. Individual Associate member dues are $75.00 per year. Organizational Associate Membership dues are $400 per year.

Apply online for ASTDD Membership

ASTDD Member Quotes
"My career in oral health has taken me many places throughout the country. During this time, I always made sure to continue my ASTDD associate membership. In fact, it was because of my membership that l learned of the job that brought me back home. Thanks to ASTDD, I am now home in Rhode Island serving as its Dental Director."
Samuel Zwetchkenbaum, Dental Director, Rhode Island
"When I joined the ASTDD I had no idea that it would lead to helping set our nation's public health priorities. But it did. When working with the CDC as a member of the ASTDD Data Committee, I was asked to give feedback and comment on the Healthy People 2030 oral health objectives. I am grateful for the opportunity."
Beth Anderson, Oral Health Epidemiologist, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
"As the ASTDD Liaison to the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, ASTDD has given me the opportunity to combine my two lifelong career passions. The experience has been incredible. Thank you ASTDD!"
Barbara Park, Public Health Consultant, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
"I knew very little about oral health when I joined ASTDD. I quickly got involved in committees, presented at conferences, and made friends all over the country. Who could have imagined that in only six years I would be on the ASTDD Board of Directors. I'm amazed every time I think of it."
John Welby, Director, Oral Health Literacy, Maryland Office of Oral Health

State Oral Health Programs make an essential contribution to public health and must be continued and enhanced. Resources to Support ASTDD Key Messages.

  • A successful SOHP must have diversified funding that includes funding for state and local evidence-based programs.
  • A successful SOHP needs a continuous, strong, credible, forward-thinking leader.
  • A successful SOHP needs a complement of staff, consultants and partners with proficiency in the ASTDD Competencies for SOHPs.
  • A successful SOHP needs one or more broad-based coalitions that include partners with fiscal and political clout.
  • A successful SOHP must have valid data (oral health status and other) to use for evaluation, high quality oral health surveillance, a state oral health plan with implementation strategies, and evidence-based programs and policies.
New 2024 ASTDD Resources
July May/June 2024 issue of the ASTDD Roundup
June 2024 Synopses of State Oral Health Programs Summary Report
June Preventing Tobacco/Oral Nicotine Use to Promote Oral Health
May March/April 2024 Issue of the ASTDD Roundup
May ASTDD Spotlight: Integrate Oral Health Primary Care
April ASTDD Spotlight: Provider and Patient Experiences with Teledentistry
March 2023 ASTDD Annual Report
March January/February Issue of the ASTDD Roundup
February Integrating Oral Health into Primary Care Policy Statement
February ASTDD Spotlight: Early Childhood Caries Prevention and Management Best Practice Approach Report
January October, November, December 2023 Issue of the ASTDD Roundup
January Children's Dental Health Month Social Media Messages
January ASTDD Spotlight: Delivery Models to Expand Care for Children and Adolescents: Programmatic Considerations for Mobile and Portable School-based/School-linked Oral Health Programs
New 2023 ASTDD Resources
December ASTDD Spotlight: Dental Amalgam and Resin-Based Composites: An Overview of Environmental and Health Impacts
December Improving the Oral Health of Older Adults Best Practice Approach Report
November States with Oral Health Survey Data
November ASTDD Spotlight: Social Determinants of Health and Improving Oral Health Equity Policy Statement
October Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) Fact Sheet Update
October Early Childhood Caries Prevention and Management Best Practice Approach Report
October July/August/September 2023 Issue of the ASTDD Roundup
September ASTDD Spotlight: OHRC-We're Here to Help You
August Mobile and Portable School-Based/School-Linked Oral Health Programs: Delivery Models to Expand Care for Children and Adolescents Issue Brief
August 2023 ASTDD State Synopses Summary Report Full report available in the Members Only section of the ASTDD website)
August Dental Amalgam and Resin-Based Composites: Environmental and Health Impacts Policy Statement

HP 2030 Webinar: Increasing the Proportion of Children and Adolescents Who Have Dental Sealants on 1 or More Molars (OH-10)
Webinar Recording
Download Slides

August ASTDD Spotlight: HRSA Oral Health Literacy Campaign
July Community Water Fluoridation One-pagers: State Fact Sheets and Others (available in the Members Only section of the ASTDD website)
July ASTDD Fluoridation Disruption Tipsheet (Available in the Members Only section of the ASTDD website)
July Updated Fluoridation Fact Sheet Template (Available upon request to the ASTDD Central Office)
July ASTDD State Oral Health Improvement Plan Comparison Tool Description
July ASTDD State Oral Health Improvement Plan Comparison Tool
July May/June 2023 Issue of ASTDD Roundup

HP 2030 Webinar: State-based Surveillance Systems (OH D01 Developmental)
Webinar Recording
Download Slides

June ASTDD Spotlight: Leveraging the MNOHI Environmental Scan in Ohio
May 2023 Virtual Business Meeting, In-person Awards Ceremony, and 2023 National Oral Health Conference Edition Roundup
May ASTDD Older Adult Oral Health Resources for Collaboration
April Fluoridation Awards Database (Available in the Members Only section of the ASTDD website)
April 2022 ASTDD Annual Report
April Naturally Occurring Fluoride in Drinking Water Fact Sheet
March January/February 2023 Issue ASTDD Roundup
March Resources for Responding to Questions About the NTP Monograph: Systematic Review of Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Health Effects (Available upon request to the ASTDD Central Office)
March Social Determinants of Health and Improving Oral Health Equity Policy Statement
February Updated ASTDD Best Practice Approach Report - State-based Oral Health Surveillance Systems
February 2022 ASTDD Annual Committee and Focus Area Reports (Available in the Members Only section of the ASTDD website)
January Updated Maternal and Child Health Title V National Performance Measure for Oral Health Summary
January Updated List of Resources to Accompany ASTDD Guidelines

Registration for the 2025 NOHC in Orlando, Florida will open in December 2024.


Advertising on ASTDD's website does not imply an endorsement by ASTDD of a company's products or services.

Recording of Dec. 16, 2021 ASTDD/CareQuest Best Practices for Teledentistry Today and in the Future Webcast

During the hour-long presentation, the expert panel highlighted necessary systems-level changes, discussed how they created the Best Practice Approach Report, and examined CareQuest Institute's strategic priorities around teledentistry that are helping to push the industry in new directions.
