Did Dakota Johnson Come Out as Bisexual, or Just Hang Out With Cara Delevingne?

Guys, I’m going to level with you right now and tell you I don’t know much about Dakota Johnson. What I do know:

  1. She’s Melanie Griffith’s daughter
  2. She’s dating the boring guy from Coldplay
  3. She was Anastasia in the 50 Shades movies, all of which I saw in theatres because I love bad movies and hate myself

However, Twitter is currently abuzz over these recently tweeted excerpts from a resurfaced interview Johnson did with Vogue in 2017. On a recent breakup, Johnson explained, “Shit happens. I think I’m a little bit heartbroken all the time, even when I’m in a happy relationship. I don’t do casual very well, and my feelings, even the good ones, get so intense that they hurt. Can we make things really juicy? Can we say that I’m taking this time to explore my bisexuality? Or that I have given myself to the Lord following the release of my sexually explicit trifecta of films?” While on the one hand it could be interpreted that Dakota Johnson is announcing her bisexuality, she mostly appears to be making a joke.

She also told Vogue, “I’ve been in a phase of my life where I’m fascinated by young women coming to terms with their sexuality. I guess, by proxy, I have been experiencing that in my own life, and it’s very interesting to me.” It is worth noting that Johnson was discussing the 50 Shades trilogy and its extremely silly exploration of BDSM, and possibly not referencing kissing hot girls. While obviously hopeful, I am not convinced.

That said, Twitter users immediately went searching for clues, and oh boy did they deliver! For example, Dakota apparently has already experienced the Hollywood rite of passage that is “being photographed holding hands in public with Cara Delevingne.” If it hasn’t happened to you yet, just be patient.

It is worth noting for the sake of Current Events that following her split from her sex bench co-parent Ashley Benson, 27-year-old Delevingne has been recently seen potentially canoodling with Cindy Crawford’s supermodel daughter Kaia Gerber, 18, and I don’t like it.

Other intrepid detectives discovered this interaction between Dakota and noted bisexual Aubrey Plaza:

Is Dakota Johnson bisexual? I’m going to be real, probably not, but we can never be sure until we have performed the ultimate test:

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Stef Schwartz is a founding member and the self-appointed Vapid Fluff Editor at Autostraddle.com. She currently resides in New York City, where she spends her days writing songs nobody will ever hear and her nights telling much more successful musicians what to do. Follow her on twitter and/or instagram.

Stef has written 464 articles for us.


  1. Always happy to see a Stef piece!

    And while I would love for Dakota Johnson to be bisexual (I had a huge crush on her while I also watched the 50 Shades movies and hated myself), it’s likely not true. But I would love to see more evidence to the fact! For research purposes, of course.

  2. Guys, 50 shades started out as Twilight fan fiction. And K-Stew came out after she did those movies, didn’t she? Both actresses had roles which had the emotional depth of a goldfish. Looks like a pattern! So she’ll get an “alternative lifestyle” haircut next and be out in a few months?

    I should take of my conspiracy theory hat now. Would be funny, if they both were queer in some way, considering how anti-sex/pro traditional values the Twilight author is.

  3. 1) which boring guy from ColdPlay? They all are boring & I like their songs.
    2) I had no interested in 50 Shades of Grey, just never felt like the target market.

    It be great to see more bi/queer/out celebs it just normalizes it more!

  4. I’m just going to use “those sweet little figs” at random whenever anything remotely gay happens, thank you

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