Surprise woman says she didn’t know she was pregnant until she was in labor

Taylor Dobbins says she didn’t know she was pregnant until she was giving birth. (Source: Arizona's Family)
Published: Jun. 4, 2024 at 10:33 PM MST
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SURPRISE, AZ (AZFamily) — A Surprise woman got the surprise of a lifetime.

Taylor Dobbins says she didn’t know she was pregnant until she was giving birth.

The first-time mom says she didn’t see any warning signs until she was in labor.

It’s a story that seems straight out of an episode of the show “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant.”

So-called cryptic pregnancies are rare, but they do happen. Studies suggest about 1 in 2,500 women don’t know they’re pregnant until delivery.

Noble was born weighing 8 pounds 15 ounces a little more than two weeks ago. For his mom, life forever changed in a matter of hours.

“Single with a cat to single with a cat and a baby,” she joked.

She says she had no symptoms.

“Nothing. No morning sickness, no kicking, no cravings, no heartburn,” said Dobbins.

On May 18, Dobbins says she woke up in pain but went to work anyway.

But the pain kept getting worse and was eventually so intense that she rushed to the ER, thinking maybe she had appendicitis.

“I’m like something is really wrong here,” she remembers thinking.

Nurses ran some tests and then a doctor gave her the unexpected news that she was expecting and about six to eight weeks along.

“‘We ran your blood work twice and it turns out you are pregnant,’ I said excuse me?” said Dobbins.

But the truth was even more shocking.

“She says, ‘So remember when I told you I think you’re six to eight weeks?’ I said, yeah. She goes, ‘Unfortunately, I was wrong. You are 38 weeks and five days’ and I was speechless. I’m like, there’s no way,” said Dobbins. “There’s no good way on God’s green Earth that I am giving birth.”

The 24-year-old started to worry about having no prenatal care.

“I was concerned that he was going to come out missing some fingers or some toes or heaven forbid blind or deaf,” she said.

Dobbins calls Noble’s good health a miracle.

“The best gift, honestly,” she said.

She remembers feeling a flood of emotions the first time she held her son.

“He was perfect. He stopped crying instantly the minute I grabbed him,” said Dobbins.

Now, she’s doing her best to navigate motherhood, coping with humor and leaning on her village.

“Was this the way that I planned it? No, but will we be OK once we figure it out? For sure. Definitely going to be a process though,” she said.

Dobbins says she had a miscarriage a few years ago and ever since, her cycle has been irregular. So, it wasn’t out of the norm for her to not have one for a while leading up to Noble’s birth.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help Dobbins.

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