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I write to correct some misleading information in your April 5 editorial “Honoring the quarry law.”

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) pushed for nearly half a decade to implement the law that protects people living near quarries from subsidence damage, sinkholes or loss of well water. We supported the law when it was first proposed and we support it now.

In the months since the Supreme Court effectively blocked efforts to overturn the law, the department has assembled scientific data and worked to gain public comment on the impact quarries have on nearby property owners.

Your editorial asserts that the department has been less than forthcoming about publicizing the public meetings regarding the Redland Genstar quarry near New Windsor.

While we published legal notices announcing the initial public hearing, we admit that effort was not sufficient. Following the initial hearing, we contacted the sponsor of the legislation and the New Windsor Community Action Project to coordinate a second public hearing. The department sent out a media advisory noting that the second public hearing was scheduled for April 9 in New Windsor.

MDE is committed to safeguarding our environment and the health and safety of our citizens.

L. Hearn


The writer is director, Water Management Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment.