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For hundreds of years, European countries have impoverished, beaten, raped, terrorized and finally gassed millions of their Jewish citizens. To this day, many agitate for expelling and marginalizing their remaining Jews, aided and abetted by Muslim extremists.

In recent months, Europe has been inundated by hundreds of thousands of Muslims refugees fleeing the Middle East and North Africa’s ruinous civil wars and the lawless barbarians known as the Islamic State or ISIS.

Instead of their “Jewish problem,” Europe now is being overrun by a “Muslim problem.” It is unable to stop the flow of refugees arriving without a penny to their names due to the sheer number of migrants, the impossibility of registering them all and the humanitarian crisis they present.

I wonder if anyone remembers 70 years ago when it was their own Jews they were destroying?

The handwriting is on the wall: Europe as it existed, mostly Christian and civilized, is done. It will be mostly Muslim, given historic birthrates, and perhaps not very civilized. It will be battered on all fronts with demands for Sharia law and barbaric Muslim customs. It will be unable to absorb these new immigrants without precipitating economic disaster.

I wonder if European leaders now would like to have their Jews back — the educated, achieving, inventive, Nobel-winning, brilliant scientific and medical people they almost wiped out?

Judy Chernak, Pikesville

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