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In 1937, the Duke of Windsor married Wallis Warfield Simpson of Baltimore in a civil ceremony in Monts, France. Formerly King Edward VIII, the British royal made the controversial decision to abdicate in order to marry Simpson. Above, the couple poses in their wedding garb after the ceremony. (Handout photo)

1621: The Dutch West India Company received a charter for New Netherlands, now known as New York.

1888: The poem “Casey at the Bat,” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer, was first published in the San Francisco Examiner.

1935: The French liner Normandie set a record on its maiden voyage, arriving in New York after crossing the Atlantic in four days, 11 hours and 42 minutes.

1965: Astronaut Edward White became the first American to walk in space, during the Gemini 4 mission.

Compiled by Laura Lefavor and Paul McCardell.

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