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Trump signs veterans health bill as White House works against bipartisan plan to fund it


The VA Mission Act authorizes an expansion of veterans’ access to private health care, but the bill does not reserve federal money to pay for it. A group of powerful Senate committee chairmen from both parties aims to remedy that by advancing a separate measure for the new $50 billion law, saying it is the best way to ensure the new programs give veterans access to medical care.

But the White House has been lobbying Republicans to vote the plan down, instead asking Congress to pay for veterans programs by cutting spending elsewhere.

The opposition to the funding plan is the latest demonstration of Trump’s variable approach to the longtime stated Republican goal of fiscal discipline. On some issues, most prominently last year’s $1.5 trillion tax bill or immigration measures such as the border wall, Trump has signed off on legislation projected to massively increase the federal deficit.

On others, such as the veterans bill and emergency legislation to support communities impacted by last year’s devastating hurricanes and the California wildfires, he has demanded offsetting spending cuts. Without passage of the veterans funding bill soon, lawmakers and veterans groups warn that Veterans Affairs will be forced to make difficult trade-offs about which veterans programs should be funded.

“You shouldn’t have to ask Congress every year for money to take care of veterans, said John Hoellwarth, communications director for AMVETS, one of the country’s major veterans groups.

The clash over spending for the VA health bill illustrates an ongoing tension between bipartisan dealmaking in the Senate, where support from the minority party is necessary on spending bills, and the unwavering conservative opposition to new spending embodied by the Freedom Caucus in the House and now adopted by the White House. The conflict between those two approaches could flare up repeatedly throughout the summer and fall as Congress tries to complete required annual spending bills ahead of the next government shutdown deadline on Sept. 30.

No one knows what will happen when that date arrives. Trump has said he won’t sign another massive “omnibus” spending bill and GOP leaders hope to avoid presenting him with one. At the same time if the president renews his unpredictable demands on border-wall funding that could provoke a shutdown fight just ahead of the midterm elections, an outcome that GOP leaders want to avoid at all costs but that Trump has sometimes appeared to court.

In a memo circulated to Republican senators this week, White House officials slammed the leading veterans funding proposal as “anathema to responsible spending” and predicts it would lead to ballooning costs and “virtually unlimited increases” in veterans’ spending on private health care. The memo was obtained by The Washington Post.

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., head of the Senate Appropriations Committee, argued that if Congress does not ratify his proposal, the alternative could be to cut $10 billion a year for five years from existing programs, including initiatives within the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“If we don’t get on it we’re going to have a hole of $10 billion in our approps,” Shelby said Tuesday, predicting “some real trouble.”

Shelby is joined in his effort by the top Appropriations Committee Democrat, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Vt., as well as the leaders of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., who serves as chairman, and Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont.

Their effort has run into stringent opposition from a White House still reeling from conservative backlash to the $1.3 trillion government-wide spending bill Trump signed in March. The deal broke through previous spending caps with huge increases in domestic spending Democrats demanded in exchange for military spending sought by Republicans.

Conservatives, including close Trump allies, publicly slammed the spending package and criticized Trump for signing it, and the administration has subsequently dug in against new spending and worked to claw existing spending back.

Trump frequently touts his support of veterans and members of the armed services, promising during the campaign to fix VA and give more veterans access to private health care.

But the White House says it won’t accept new spending on the veterans bill above the overall domestic spending levels already negotiated with Congress, arguing enough money can be found to fund it within existing budget limits.

“The President’s 2019 Budget supports a new, consolidated community care program for veterans and all of VA health care within the discretionary caps already in place. We have a responsibility to provide our Veterans with the care they deserve, while also being good stewards of the taxpayer dollar,” the administration said in a statement.

The VA spending fight could come to a head as soon as this week, as Congress prepares to take up a military construction and VA appropriations bill that the bipartisan group of lawmakers want to use to fund VA Mission Act’s program.

The Mission Act revamps a private-care program Congress approved in 2014 after a scandal over fudged patient wait lists for medical appointments. The new, bipartisan measure consolidates numerous private-care programs that were fragmented and inefficient and drew support from disparate veterans groups that often disagree. It also expands stipends for a popular program that pays family caregivers of veterans who served in Vietnam and later wars, for example, a priority for advocates.

Funding questions dogged the bill during its debate in the House, where Democrats had sounded an alarm on what they called the legislation’s unsustainable costs.

The legislation’s biggest costs, though, will come in new doctor’s appointments outside VA’s system, which now sends roughly a third of veterans to private doctors. The Congressional Budget Office estimated the increase at 640,000 veterans each year, particularly with new authorization for VA to negotiate a contract for care at private walk-in clinics.

There is no reliable estimate and little research to determine how much taxpayers pay for a private medical appointment versus one inside VA’s system of 1,300 clinics and hospitals.

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