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Vote for Rob Wagner in Harford County District E [Letter]



When I had the privilege of serving as County Council president in 1990-1994, Robert S. Wagner represented District E. Rob Wagner is offering himself once again to represent District E. I wholeheartedly support his candidacy.

Our term together was momentous for Harford County. We passed a series of laws to check run-a-way residential development, to improve communications about the developments which did proceed and to empower citizens in the development process. Many of the notifications and citizens’ rights which are taken for granted today were created by our Council.

We also passed our County’s landmark farmland preservation program through which tens of thousands of acres of farmland have been perpetually protected, an engine to agricultural economic development and a guarantee for food security in our region.

That was a watershed time. In many ways, Harford County is living in the legacy of the work Rob and I did along with others, including County Executive Glassman—then himself a council member, in our stirring years together.

Those who remember our Council might point out that Rob and I did not always agree. That is true, nor do we always agree today. I want elected officials whom I respect even when we disagree. Rob Wagner is such a person.

Rob Wagner always kept his word to me. When he told me he supported a bill, he supported it. When he told me he opposed a bill, he opposed it. In plain words, he told the truth.

In the intervening years, Rob encountered challenges, but he faced them directly and completely. He is stronger for having lived in the crucible of personal crisis.

As a Republican, I encourage all Republicans of District E to vote for Robert S. Wagner as your next representative on the County Council.

Jeffrey Dirk Wilson


Originally Published: