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Kristen and Peter Ruiz have had quite an active spring. Their daughter, Katie, graduated with honors from the University of Maryland with a degree in Special Education on May 21. Her plans now are to work at Sherwood Elementary in Montgomery County with K/1 Autism class. She has also been planning a wedding set for this month. Stay tuned for that joyous news in the next column.

Meanwhile, Kristen and Peter’s other daughter, Maria, graduated from Eleanor Roosevelt High School with honors and a 4.4 grade point average on May 29. She sat in the Row of Honor with the top five percent of her class. She represented the National Honor Society as well as the Spanish Honor Society. Maria’s plans are to attend University of Maryland to study computer science.

They grew up so fast as neighborhood kids from Bond Mill Elementary and spent their summers as West Laurel Swim Club Wahoos. Now their stories continue as Mom and Dad, brother, and a West Laurel “village” very proudly look on.

Speaking of Wahoos, the West Laurel Swim Club opened their doors Memorial Day weekend. Established in 1969, the West Laurel Swim Club is the largest private pool in Prince George’s County and I would add that it is also the most fun. It is on Brooklyn Bridge Road so the older kids can ride their bikes to it. It’s not too late to get a membership. A Wahoo is a swimmer for the West Laurel Swim Team. If interested or just need more information, go to

At the WLCA General Spring Meeting on May 17, two well-loved residents were recognized with the Outstanding Service to West Laurel. First award went to Betty Mannas who has been active in our community since the 1970s. She served on the WLCA executive board and the West Laurel Recreation Council where most notably she worked on the Spring Egg Hunt which continues until this day. Betty also spent many years dedicated to the West Laurel Swim Club. She has given countless hours of volunteer time in our community.

Barbara Friedman was also honored for her service. She and her husband, Jerry, lived in West Laurel for over thirty five years before they retired to the Eastern Shore. She served as president of the WLCA in the 1980s and then came back and did it again later. She was an ardent defender of the community and led major battles with the developers that shape the community that we have today.

The next WLCA Dumpster Day and Shredding Event is on Saturday, June 23, from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. or until the dumpsters fill up at the West Laurel Community Building. Check your Hotline provided delivered to all West Laurel residents for all the details of what is accepted and what is not. Remember that you can also call Bulky Trash to schedule a pick-up of furniture and just about anything. The list it on itswebsite. It’s very easy and convenient to have your bulky trash picked up right on your curb. To schedule a pick up, go to or phone 301-883-4748.

Primary election day is Tuesday, June 26, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Bond Mill Elementary School for this community. Your votes are very important, so please get out and vote!

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