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Only a malignant narcissist who was completely taken with himself and unwilling to countenance anyone else, and who was intent on disregarding history and diplomatic precedent, would have blown up his participation in the G7 talks in Quebec, trashing and alienating our closest NATO allies (“Alternative Fact of the Week: Oh Canada!,” June 7); then fly to Singapore to glad-hand the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, a longtime sworn enemy of the U. S., who signed a document making vague promises to “denuclearize” his country in exchange for, among other things, President Trump’s promise to cancel the longstanding, twice yearly joint military exercises between the American and South Korean armies that have been a bulwark of the strong alliance between these countries, flabbergasting South Korea and everyone else.

René J. Muller

The writer is a psychologist and the author of “The Four Domains of Mental Illness: An Alternative to the DSM-5.”  

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