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Letter: Robert a candidate that loves his town, county


It is with great confidence we support Frank Robert for Carroll County commissioner, District 5.

In 2006, Robert and a number of residents decided that it was time to work to reduce wasteful spending in the Town of Sykesville’s budget and revitalize Main Street under Upward Sykesville. It was an exciting time as he and others were elected to the Town Council in 2007. His work on the Council as Councilman and President ensured a balanced budget, built reserves, and made the budget process transparent. In addition, I was impressed that Frank relinquished his stipend for eight years and promised his Town term would not exceed more than two. He kept that promise. This is the kind of man Frank Robert is. He is dedicated to serve not as a politician but a man who loves his town and county.

For the 12 years I have known Frank, I know you can always count on Frank’s consistency. He is the same no matter the setting: while on the Council, with businesses, teachers or with friends and family. He is a kind, humble, Christian man who thoughtfully listens to people. As a man of integrity, always strives to do the right thing.

Frank stands on his own platform: Security, Education and Technology. He does not have huge campaign funds but is supported by people and organizations that know him, his character, his dedication, and love of Carroll County as the best place to raise a family. There will be no pressure on Frank to make decisions that he doesn’t believe will be in the best interest of Carroll County. Frank is also the only candidate with local leadership experience. It is our hope that voters recognize Frank Robert’s unique experience and character will ensure the best representation for our County.

Al Grasley


The writer is a member of the Sykesville Town Council.

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