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So the Department of Justice’s Inspector General issues a report that, besides revealing a rabid contempt for President Donald J. Trump and his supporters by high officials in the FBI, excoriates former FBI Director James Comey for his great lapses in following established FBI protocols, up to and including outright insubordination (“Trump says FBI was ‘plotting against’ me, but Justice report finds no political bias,” June 15). In other words, a fellow imminently worthy of summary dismissal.

As a direct result of President Trump firing the hapless Mr. Comey, something President Barack Obama should have done months before, a special counsel was appointed to investigate Russian collusion and, perhaps, obstruction of justice by President Trump because he fired Mr. Comey. Only in the deep state bowels of the federal behemoth could such an insane logic loop take hold.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, another lifelong federal careerist and once the Sheriff Andy to Mr. Comey’s Barney Fife, seems to have found no compelling evidence of President Trump being a KGB agent so he and his partisan investigators have been chewing on the obstruction of justice bone. The trouble is that the main meat on that bone was Mr. Trump’s firing of Mr. Comey; you know, the insubordinate guy.

Any hope that the Mueller investigation was ever going to be regarded by the folks who elected Mr. Trump as anything other than a witch hunt by a petulant Washington establishment abetted by their fellow travelers in the media flew out the window with the Inspector General’s report. Mr. Mueller should close up shop, go away and let the voters speak in November. That’s the way it’s supposed to work in a democracy.

Jon Ketzner, Cumberland

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