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Sydney McDonald, of Finksburg; and Chandra Reiff, of Westminster, were among 19

McDaniel College
freshmen selected for the college’s Global Fellows program. The three-year program is open to freshmen and is designed to enhance their understanding of global issues, develop heightened intercultural competency and cultivate the skills and attitudes important to leading successful lives in a global context. Students will earn a Global Fellow designation on their transcript upon completion of the program.

Stephen True, of Sykesville, was recognized at Marietta College’s annual Campus Involvement & Leadership Awards ceremony in April. True, who is majoring in information systems and accounting, received the Emerging Leader. True is a graduate of Century High School.

James Bath, of Westminster, is one of more than 100 Army officers commissioned in The Citadel Class of 2018. Cadets joining the Army upon graduation at The Citadel took their commissioning oath May 4, and were officially sworn in as officers during the South Carolina Corps of Cadets commencement ceremony on May 5. Bath received a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering.

Gretchen Rathert, a freshman exercise science major, of Westminster, was among approximately 520 students named to the spring 2018 president’s list at Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina. The president’s list recognizes students who earn a 3.75 or higher grade point average for the semester.

The following local students were named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, West Virginia: Eldersburg: Elizabeth A. Camp; Hampstead: Kaitlin M. Moore; Mount Airy: Michael S. Graessle, Alyssa T. Lewis, Jack B. Staub, Melissa Varros; New Windsor: Kathrine N. Neff; Sykesville: Savannah M. Blades; Westminster: Emily N. Ely, Joshua Hooper, Wesley R. Martin, Amanda M. Rau, Taylor R. Seitzinger, Rachel A. Sweeney. To be eligible for the dean’s list, students must maintain a 3.4 grade point average for the semester and carry at least 15 hours of coursework or be in a professional teaching block.

The following local students graduated from Cedarville University, in Ohio, on May 5: Briana Sadowski, of Mount Airy, degree in international studies; Samuel Tvardzik, of Mount Airy, degree in finance; and Samuel Webster, of Westminster, degree in industrial & innovative design.

The following area students earned degrees from Bridgewater College, in Virginia: David M. Baca, majoring in business administration, from Mount Airy; Alexander Bredenburg, majoring in physics, from Hampstead; Rachel McCuller, majoring in environmental science, graduated cum laude, from Union Bridge; Erin Moberly, majoring in biology, graduated magna cum laude and as a member of the college’s Flory Honors Program, from Westminster; and Zellie Wothers, majoring in economics, graduated magna cum laude and as a member of the college’s Flory Honors Program, from Sykesville. Summa cum laude designation requires at least a 3.9 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Magna cum laude honors a 3.7 or better average. Cum laude honors require a 3.4 grade point average.

The following local residents were initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines: Cecilia Ariola-Adams, of Sykesville, initiated at

Hood College
; Matthew Ball, of Westminster, initiated at Hood College; Amanda Baulig, of Keymar, initiated at Hood College; Amanda Coss, of Mount Airy, initiated at Hood College; Joseph Hutchins, of Eldersburg, initiated at Hood College; Brittany Lippy, of Manchester, initiated at

Oklahoma State University
; Abbey McAlister, of Mount Airy, initiated at Hood College; Gina Palermo, of Sykesville, initiated at University of Maryland University College; Megan Ramsburg, of Union Bridge, initiated at Hood College. These residents are among approximately 30,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year. Membership is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top 10 percent of seniors and 7.5 percent of juniors are eligible for membership. Graduate students in the top 10 percent of the number of candidates for graduate degrees may also qualify, as do faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction.

Brittany Lippy, of Manchester, was honored by Oklahoma State University at the recent College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Scholarships and Awards Banquet. Lippy received the Clark and Dorothy King Endowed Scholarship.

The following students achieved the dean’s list at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, for the spring 2018 semester: Hannah Jones, of Eldersburg; Megan McPherson, of Mount Airy; and Kaitlyn Tutalo, of Hampstead. Eligibility is based on a minimum course load of 12 hours and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a C.

Kayla Arnold, of Taneytown, was named to the dean’s list for the spring semester of the 2017-18 school year at

Penn State
– Harrisburg. This is the sixth consecutive semester that Arnold, a student-athlete majoring in criminal justice, has made the list.

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