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Noah Simmons, a graduating student from the Carroll Community College Class of 2018, was selected by College President Dr. James D. Ball to receive the President’s Academic Excellence Award, at the college’s May 23 commencement ceremony. Simmons, of Westminster, obtained an Associate of Arts and Sciences degree with a general engineering pathway. To qualify for the award, which is a $600 personal scholarship given by Ball, candidates must clearly demonstrate achievement above and beyond expectations. Candidates must have completed a minimum of 45 credit hours at Carroll, earned a 4.0 grade point average and demonstrated stellar service on campus and in the community. Simmons is a STEM Scholar and president of the STEM club, part of the Leadership Challenge program, member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, is on the mathematics team, and tutors students in the college’s Academic Center. He was one of four Carroll students who won the SMMART (Student Mathematics Mid-Atlantic Regional Tournament) competition, hosted by Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale.

The following local students are among more than 800 students named to the spring 2018 dean’s list at Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina: Katarina Rathert, of Westminster, junior computer science major; John Barnes, of Mount Airy, freshman music and church ministries major; and Natalie Larsen, of Sykesville, junior Biblical counseling major. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a 3.00-3.74 grade point average during the semester.

Cody Thomas Spaid, of Eldersburg, earned a Bachelor of Arts in architectural studies from

University of Kansas
this spring. The school’s commencement ceremony took place May 13; with degrees officially conferred in June.

Local students were among those named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at Bridgewater College, in Virginia: Kayla Boswell, a sophomore majoring in biochemistry, from Hampstead; Hannah Clothier, a first-year student majoring in environmental science, from Eldersburg; Ben McCrickard, a sophomore majoring in global studies, from Westminster, 4.0; Rachel McCuller, a senior majoring in environmental science, from Union Bridge, 4.0; Kristy Memphis, a sophomore majoring in communication, technology and culture, from Manchester, 4.0; Erin Moberly, a senior majoring in biology, from Westminster; Sarah C. Riley, a sophomore majoring in business administration, from Sykesville; Kristen M. Stark, a junior majoring in nutritional science, from Westminster; Angela Tolomei, a junior majoring in theatre, from Hampstead, 4.0; Melanie A. Tutin, a junior majoring in art and communication, technology and culture, from Westminster; Hannah Wareham, a sophomore majoring in chemistry and Spanish, from Westminster; and Zellie Wothers, a senior majoring in economics, from Sykesville, 4.0. Dean’s list students have attained a 3.4 or better grade point average out of a possible 4.0.

The following local students were among those who received baccalaureate degrees during Shepherd University’s 145th commencement on May 5: Elizabeth Anne Hajduk Camp, Eldersburg; Kaitlin Marie Moore, Hampstead; Bradley Austin Davidson, Manchester; Jennifer Lee Dickey, Mount Airy; Gavin Timothy McTavish, Mount Airy; Kathrine Nicole Neff, New Windsor; Savannah Morgan Blades, Sykesville; Kelsea M. Cimabue, Westminster; Emily Nicole Ely, Westminster; Tamira Ashley Patterson, Westminster.

Olivia I. Zachman, of Hampstead, has been awarded a St. Lawrence University Fellowship for a summer 2018 research project. Zachman attended North Carroll High School. Zachman, a member of the class of 2019 majoring in history, received the Daniel F. ’65 and Ann H. Sullivan Endowment for Student/Faculty Research and will be mentored by Howard Eissenstat to conduct research titled “Jordan’s Political Dissonance during the Second Intifada.”

Stephen True, of Sykesville, has been named to the spring 2018 dean’s high honors list at Marietta College, in Ohio. Any full-time Marietta College student completing at least 15 credit hours with a grade point average of 3.75 or better in a given semester is recognized as a dean’s high honors list student for that semester. True, a graduate of Century High School, is a member of the class of 2019 and is majoring in information systems and accounting.

Kathleen Hilberg, of Upperco, graduated from Nazareth College, Rochester, New York, with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in physical therapy during the school’s 91st commencement ceremony on May 13.

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