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Clarke: Perez and Sneed are top choices for Maryland | READER COMMENTARY

Tom Perez launches his campaign for governor of Maryland for the 2022 election in Station North last summer. He has served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, U.S. Secretary of Labor in the Obama administration and Maryland Secretary of Labor under former Gov. Martin O'Malley. June 23, 2021. (Kim Hairston/Baltimore Sun).
Kim Hairston/The Baltimore Sun
Tom Perez launches his campaign for governor of Maryland for the 2022 election in Station North last summer. He has served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, U.S. Secretary of Labor in the Obama administration and Maryland Secretary of Labor under former Gov. Martin O’Malley. June 23, 2021. (Kim Hairston/Baltimore Sun).

‘Tis the season to choose the partners to lead Maryland effectively into a thriving and inclusive future. I write to recommend Tom Perez for governor and Baltimore’s own Shannon Sneed for lieutenant governor (“Maryland gubernatorial hopeful Tom Perez picks former Baltimore councilwoman Shannon Sneed as running mate,” Feb. 3). Both are known for their diligent records of public service and their persistence in achieving positive results. And both represent fresh perspectives on state governance and urgently seek to tackle and resolve the challenges we Marylanders must finally address.

Tom has served Marylanders at the local, state and national level, supporting workers and families, defending civil rights and leading the federal response to the murder of Freddie Gray. His campaign commitments include “to pay unemployment checks on time.” This focus to me reflects Tom’s resolve to reform unresponsive systems which transform individual hardship into family crises, by the thousands!

Shannon served District 13 for four years on the Baltimore City Council and played a leadership role in expanding benefits to laid-off city contractors, from parking attendants to security guards, and in legislating lactation accommodations for nursing mothers in worksites across the city. Because of her example with Baby Rae, Shannon changed the culture to dignify the status of nursing mothers at their worksites in City Hall and throughout Baltimore.

I love Baltimore and look forward to Tom and Shannon’s leadership in restoring the partnership of city and state that we Baltimoreans have every right to expect. Please be sure to vote and thanks for your consideration.

Mary Pat Clarke, Baltimore

The writer, a Democrat, served 32 years on the Baltimore City Council including two terms as its president.

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