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General Daily Insight for February 17, 2022

Today has gorgeous potential for positive change. Standing up for others is admirable, but if they say they don’t need to be protected, they’re probably right. We can let excessive Jupiter’s sextile to fresh Uranus teach us to respect their different opinions or ideas. There is a fine line between actually defending justice and just acting self-righteous. We might need to look closely to see where that line lies, and we can definitely do so — if we’re willing to put in the effort.

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March 21-April 19

Daydreaming too much today could mean you miss a good opportunity. Staying focused can be hard work, and you may wonder if it’s really worth the hassle. Remember that if you don’t, you could end up leaving something unfinished, which can bring its own problems. That doesn’t that mean you need to stay on the ball for every single second of each minute of the day. In fact, a bit of relaxation could help you be more alert when it really matters.


April 20-May 20

Not everyone you meet now will be your favorite person. You might wish you hadn’t been so sociable if you find yourself cornered by someone you find very irritating or a peer who bores you rigid. However, staying open to new people coming into your life could get you an opportunity to connect with someone more suited to your taste. In fact, someone you don’t like might introduce you to a promising new friend. Keep your options open and let things flow!


May 21-June 20

People’s expectations of you could be higher than usual at the moment — perhaps even verging on the unreasonable! However, they might be simply misjudging the situation rather than holding any real ill intentions. It might not matter too much in the end, as you’re probably able to acquit yourself well no matter what is asked of you. Things can run even more smoothly if you’re prepared to be flexible and make quick decisions, especially if any requests catch you by surprise.


June 21-July 22

This isn’t an ideal time to be self-righteous, because you can easily get things wrong. Even when you don’t, there’s a risk that people will jump to conclusions about you that are wildly wrong, making you have to waste time correcting them. Maybe they wouldn’t have been wrong in the past, but your views have probably shifted recently due to something you’ve learned. You might want to patiently bring people up to date about where you stand on a few issues that matter to you.


July 23-August 22

Borrowing from the future might not be your best move at the moment. You may commit yourself to something you don’t currently have the time, energy, or resources to do. Agreeing to something before you’re sure of your availability in the future could be a big mistake. Waiting until you have a better grasp of what you’re doing might be a much better option. There’s a good chance that the wait won’t be nearly as long as you fear it will.


August 23-September 22

You might feel a little smothered by someone today, or you could be doing the smothering. In both cases, this might not work out as you expect. It can be hard to predict how people will react if they feel cornered, so it would be wise to be as flexible as possible. That way you can deal more easily with the surprises people might throw your way. Those surprises can take your breath away — fortunately, not necessarily in a bad way.


September 23-October 22

People in your workplace might seem so chirpy that it’s almost unnatural today. Though it’s obviously nice that they’re in a good mood, it can also be really tiring. Do your best to be as flexible as possible. A different atmosphere can result in a different way of doing things. Those innovations could be good or bad — or both! — but you can’t tell for sure until you’ve tried them out. Try to be as accommodating as you can until things settle down.


October 23-November 21

Overstepping someone’s boundaries could cause a problem now. At the minimum, it could dampen the mood. You might feel like taking a risk when it comes to connecting with others, but the risk of failure could be even bigger than you realize. On the other hand, even a slight chance of success may make it worthwhile! Your best options are probably ones that you’ve already invested some time and energy into. Your past work could make this situation suddenly take a turn for the better.


November 22-December 21

Domestic demands might drain your energy at the moment. People making requests doesn’t mean you have to give in! In fact, for at least some of the time today, you might want to make yourself unavailable so you can avoid the issue completely. Just be careful that you don’t automatically say “no” without thinking! You might misjudge the situation or be too distracted to judge it at all. Turning down some people will let you devote more attention to opportunities you’ll actually enjoy.


December 22-January 19

Today you might find even the most ordinary things interesting. Maybe someone you have a chat with while doing errands turns out to be fascinating. You could also pick up a magazine or glance at an online article and end up feeling happily astonished at what you read. It’s hard to predict just how it will happen, but your world could be filled with minor surprises. Don’t be afraid to seek out little sparks of joy like these ones to keep your life interesting!


January 20-February 18

Being too generous could be your downfall at the moment. Whether it’s time, money, or energy, promising more than you can really afford may cause you problems that take a long time to resolve. It’s probably hard to estimate exactly what you can afford, so the best approach is probably to under-promise so you can (hopefully) over-deliver. Keep in mind that bigger isn’t necessarily better, and even the smallest of gestures can be appreciated a lot more than you might expect!


February 19-March 20

A little self-indulgence could be on your agenda today. It’s unlikely to do you any harm, as long as you stay reasonable. That said, it’s best not to definitively commit to anything, as a new and better course of action could come your way before you know it. There are a lot of possibilities that you’ve likely never considered — you might not even know about them! If you’re ready to think on your feet, you can grab the moment as soon as it arrives.

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