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General Daily Insight for February 19, 2022

Today is for listening with our hearts as well as our minds. The feeling Moon trines communicative Mercury at 7:18 am EST, making it a great day to get involved in negotiations or deal with complex discussions. Complicated things might seem quite simple if we do our best to pay attention to other people’s body language and emotional cues. While we can’t all win every deal we’re involved in, we can gain a good understanding of what the deal is about before committing ourselves.

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March 21-April 19

A sharp memory today could highlight your bad habits. They may be relatively trivial, but they could still be getting in the way of your progress. Taking a moment to think about what happened last time you acted in this way could help you work out a better approach. You might have spent a lot of time in unproductive ways lately. Consider asking for constructive feedback from others — this could be inspirational and help you figure out some positive adjustments you can make.


April 20-May 20

Your time now is likely to be taken up by family matters. People who are important in your life, whether biological family or not, are probably your focus. Fortunately, this probably isn’t because you have problems to resolve with them. Instead, you can feel free to spend time with your loved ones and remind yourself of the reasons you love them. No matter what’s going on outside, your home life is likely to be a peaceful sanctuary if the world gets too wearing.


May 21-June 20

Maybe your optimism is misplaced at present, but it can still help you make progress toward your dreams. Even if it doesn’t create anything concrete, exploring your creative side could offer you good entertainment. Plus, you might discover that you’re much better at something than you’d thought. It’s also a good way of bonding with people and could provide you with a new shared activity to enjoy with your friends and loved ones — or even just coworkers and acquaintances.


June 21-July 22

You may find people more cooperative than usual today. Things might be busy, so it could help to ignore phones and emails to make sure you really focus on the issue at hand. Otherwise, you risk getting very side-tracked. Finding answers is about asking the right people the right questions — you might want to consider working in a team rather than carving out your own path. When in doubt, though, applying some common sense will probably be enough to earn you everyone’s gratitude.


July 23-August 22

Listening could be the best way for you to communicate at this time. Although communicating your needs is obviously important, you need to listen to others as well. For now, standing back and letting other people have their say could clear the air and make it easier to deal with any issues you may have at a later time. Biting your tongue might be hard work at some points, but it could also give you the opportunity to gain greater understanding.


August 23-September 22

Today could be ideal for assessing any debts you might have. When it comes to what you owe, it’s important to pay attention to the finer points of the deal. It’s possible that the arrangement isn’t quite what you think or that some minor changes could have a bigger effect than you’d anticipated. It’s probably not a major detail, but you could save yourself some time and money if you ensure that everything is set up in a way that truly suits your life.


September 23-October 22

Today is great for listening to your dreams. They could highlight aspects of your life you haven’t thought about before. Although it can help to write them down, you don’t need to do so in any great detail. Noting who you’ve dreamed about can be enough to focus you in the right direction. It may be that someone close to you has been treated unfairly, and on some level, you’re aware of that. Once you’ve thought through the situation, you can offer a helping hand.


October 23-November 21

This is an ideal time to say your piece. You may not enjoy — in fact, you could actively avoid — speaking out in public in normal circumstances. However, today you have the ability to make what you say really matter. Don’t hesitate to grab this moment to show off yourself and your ideas! It could benefit you for a long time to come. You might not be talking about anything life-changing, but bringing it to the attention of the right people still matters.


November 22-December 21

You can be at your best when alongside plenty of other people currently. Spending time with those who share your ideas can give you a true sense of belonging, even if you haven’t regarded them as friends before. Maybe it’s time to take the next step and get to know them a bit better! With plenty of chatter going on around you, it should be easy to stand out by being the one who stops to listen. They’ll probably appreciate you not talking over them.


December 22-January 19

Your daydreams may fill your head today. Though this can make it hard to get anything practical done, taking time out for reflection right now could mean that your future efforts will be better focused. It’s worth letting your mind wander where it will, as that can unearth some unexpectedly useful perspectives. They might not make immediate sense, but you can store the thoughts away to use when the right moment arrives. That moment should be quite obvious to you when it shows up.


January 20-February 18

Working out what other people feel about a situation or another person is easier than usual at the moment. Maybe you can’t quite put your finger on exactly how you know they’re uncomfortable or disapprove, but that probably doesn’t matter. People give away all sorts of information with their body language and their tone of voice, and this is what you can pick up on. At the least, you can make an effort to ensure that whatever you do is considerate of their feelings.


February 19-March 20

Impulse spending could be enticing today. It might not be a problem as long as you stay within your budget, but you could still kick yourself later if you waste some money. With only a little effort, you can work out whether or not what you want will be worth it. Paying a little extra may be worth it if an item is particularly important to you, but it would still be best to step back and consider it rather than splurge on a whim.

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