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General Daily Insight for April 28, 2022

Building slowly provides better results than speeding through today. Straight-forward Mercury kicks off the day by trining metamorphic Pluto at 8:05 am EDT, letting us take steps to phase out unnecessary things in our lives. As the independent Moon is conjoining with impatient Chiron in Aries afterward, our desire to make these shifts immediately could frustrate us. We should do our best to be patient as we heal. Instead of rushing forward to perfection, let’s take this journey step by step!

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March 21-April 19

Your heart might try to overwhelm your head today. Emotions could be running high, and in the heat of the moment, you may make a decision that ends up being detrimental to you. It’s difficult to identify this panicked state while you’re in it, but you can take steps beforehand to avoid jumping to conclusions or having an emotional outburst. Commit to taking a breath and counting to ten when you’re stressed and allow yourself to let logic lead rather than emotion.


April 20-May 20

Past experiences could be resurfacing in another form. Issues that you thought you had left behind may be back to haunt you — potentially coming from a completely different set of people or a different place than this sort of problem has in the past. This is because when you run away from your problems without facing them, you aren’t healing from this experience, and so you receive it again from the universe. This time, you can face it and win!


May 21-June 20

Other people may be pressuring you to make a decision. You might have already decided what it was that you wanted to do in this situation, but the people around you could be trying to sway you — either for your gain or theirs. While getting advice from outside is fine, this choice may be one that only you have to live with. Make sure that you’ll still be happy when it’s time to experience the outcome, with or without them.


June 21-July 22

Appearance and reputation are important factors for you today. It’s impossible to control how others see you, and you may have lost your chance to make a positive first impression on someone. Someone who’s not fond of you may give a new connection an unsavory opinion of you, or you may have had a social mishap on your own that has affected how a potential friend perceives you. Accept what’s already happened and simply do your best to show them who you really are instead.


July 23-August 22

Your beliefs could be having an impact on your authority. While you might want to become famous or powerful or the best at what you do, the things that you say and do may not line up with this future you’re envisioning. Using excuses as crutches or being pessimistic to avoid potentially being disappointed could be holding you back from what you really want to be doing. Speak what you want to see into existence, not what you’re afraid of!


August 23-September 22

A fear of trusting others may be walling out the people who care about you. Even if you’re just trying to protect yourself by making sure that no one could potentially harm you, you might be shutting out people who can elevate your life rather than tear it down. Successful people often have a team of helpers behind them, and without a support system, you won’t have anyone to celebrate with when you make it! Open up enough to let the right people in.


September 23-October 22

Trying to be a people pleaser might be pulling you in the wrong direction. You may want everyone to be happy, but when the people around you want conflicting things, or what they want clashes with your needs, it’s not a good idea to create an overly complicated situation rather than simply making a difficult choice. Sometimes there is no real compromise, and someone doesn’t get what they want, because it’s the wrong choice for that time. Trust your intuition and make a decision.


October 23-November 21

It could feel impossible to be productive before deeper feelings are resolved. You may want to just get onto business as usual instead of trying to fix an emotional rift between yourself and someone else, but the energy just isn’t the same while tension hangs in the air. Whether you’re afraid to hash it out with this person or just don’t want to talk about an uncomfortable situation again, it’s not likely to go away on its own. Be brave enough to clear the air!


November 22-December 21

Current drama might make it difficult to feel secure. You could be missing peace and quiet while others are creating a stressful environment, but don’t shy away from conflict or let people run over you emotionally. Someone may be stressing you out, on purpose or by accident, but either way, it’s okay to let them know that you won’t be their doormat. Setting boundaries doesn’t make you mean or a bad person, it’s simply letting them know what behavior you won’t tolerate in a relationship.


December 22-January 19

Past emotional hurts may be brought to mind today. This could be related to a family member or an old memory from your childhood, and you might not be sure how to feel about it, even now that you’ve gained some distance. Instead of letting this take you to a negative emotional space, try to allow yourself to analyze the situation without having to react emotionally. This can help you move into a more healed space now that you’re outside of it.


January 20-February 18

Something that you struggled to grasp in the past could be ready to be tackled again. You may have tried and failed to wrap your brain around this, but now that you’re older and wiser, you have better tools to understand it. Especially if you were too inexperienced the first time around, the part of you that remembers what it felt like to fall short could try to hold you back from trying again. Don’t give in — show off what you can do now!


February 19-March 20

A lack of stability or security could be difficult to explain to others. Someone or a group of people who haven’t been through the same things that you have in the past may not understand why you’re unable to do something in the way that they’re able to. While you can’t make them experience your exact history, you can explain where you’re coming from instead of trying to attack them for misunderstanding you. Your vulnerability can take you much further than retaliation can today.

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