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Voters should weigh in on city tax break | READER COMMENTARY

Voters make their way to Bel Air Town Hall to cast their ballot in the Bel Air election Tuesday, November 2, 2021. (Mary Button/ The Aegis)
Matt Button / The Aegis/Baltimore Sun Media
Voters make their way to Bel Air Town Hall to cast their ballot in the Bel Air election Tuesday, November 2, 2021. (Mary Button/ The Aegis)

The article on enterprise zones details how “The city of Baltimore wants to renew and expand an expiring tax break for developers and businesses that costs tens of millions of dollars annually.” There appears to be a lot of differences in opinion on whom the tax breaks actually help (“This tax break costs Baltimore taxpayers millions each year. The city wants to make it bigger,” April 22). The article states the tax cuts can do this and the tax cuts can do that with regard to helping to build Baltimore, but at the same time there are people who would rather see the tax money be put into the neighborhoods, school and other areas the city most dearly needs.

I think this would be another good item to let the people of Baltimore vote on. Put it on the ballot! Of course the politicians probably think we are not foresighted enough to see the “true” advantages of the program and vote against it. Sounds like they already made up their minds.

— Stas Chrzanowski, Baltimore

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