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General Daily Insight for January 14, 2024

What to keep, what to change? The sensitive Moon joins with solemn Saturn to provide us with inner clarity, but seeing clearly still may not be easy. On top of that, exacting Venus struggles with innovative Uranus at 8:03 am EST, creating a tug-of-war between perfected routines and the experimental cutting edge. When Luna sextiles both expansive Jupiter and ambitious Mars, we’re able to find the best of both worlds on our quests for improvement. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!


March 21 – April 19

Inner clarity can be reached when your intuition is heightened. You may get a gut feeling during your day that, apropos of nothing, leads you to pivot from your original plan of action. This change of plans could involve travel and education, or things like your responsibilities, public persona, or career. Regardless of where this alteration takes you, don’t feel like you have to know everything about your journey in order to reach your dream goals. What’s meant for you will find you.


April 20 – May 20

You’re letting go of who you thought you were. There may be certain character traits or mindsets that you believed were a part of you, but you can currently realize that indulging these traits means self-sabotaging or hurting others. You can tell that this isn’t who you want to be and are ready to make a conscious change. While this section is a part of your story, it’s a chapter that you’re closing. You’re going to be the author of the next chapter.


May 21 – June 20

You’re creating stability, and not solely for yourself. Whether you have children that you’re making plans for, so that they can move forward in a great trajectory, or you have friends or coworkers that you want to lend a hand to, don’t be afraid to be the one who provides a better path for everyone. Others might be running around not knowing what to do, and instead of giving in to their chaos, give them an opportunity to join your peace.


June 21 – July 22

Friends might be attempting to help you out. It may be that you feel lost when it comes to your routine or organization, or you could simply have too much going on for one person to sort out. Reaching out when you need aid isn’t a sign of weakness, as everyone requires a boost sometimes. Don’t sweat it! Accept their efforts in the here and now — then, in the future, you can return the favor in their moment of need.


July 23 – August 22

Your image may be updating. You might feel more capable of making changes to your outward appearance right now, whether this means an updated hairstyle, an unfamiliar outfit, or even simply a new profile picture. Refreshing the way you look or act in public can give you the tools to feel more exhilarated and ready to take on anything that your daily life throws at you. Whatever you do, make sure that you’re doing it from a place that is uniquely you!


August 23 – September 22

You might get rerouted at any moment. While you may have thought your course was set in a way that would be easy-breezy, roadblocks may yet pop up and force you to maneuver around them. Whether this redirecting is done during actual travels, or whether it refers to your path to a goal that you thought you had all figured out, it’s okay to take a detour. Sometimes the best-laid plans just don’t take you where you’re meant to be.


September 23 – October 22

It could be harder to find support than usual. While you may feel capable of standing tall and tackling your responsibilities, be wary — if you need to reach out, you might not receive the desired aid. This could be because the people you’re asking are already putting out fires in another area of their own lives, or they may just be too far away to be what you need. Don’t be afraid to be the hero of your own story.


October 23 – November 21

Someone in your life might act in ways you weren’t expecting. This can shake your foundation, because you may have made plans that depended on them acting in a predictable way — especially when it comes to verbal agreements. Their unexpected attitude could be a surprise to them too, and has potentially arrived in response to some difficult challenges that they’re going through. In the end, they’re likely to come through for you, but brace yourselves for twists and turns on the way.


November 22 – December 21

Your routine may not serve you the way it used to. While your habits might have worked for you in the past, circumstances in your life have likely changed. Ask yourself if the practices you take part in no longer make sense for where you are in your current life. You have to grow alongside your circumstances, because without adapting to the environments you encounter and rolling with their punches, you could end up feeling trapped within your everyday lifestyle. Elevate — for your sake.


December 22 – January 19

Drama may lead to a change of plans. You could realize that someone is not able to fulfill their promises to you (or that they aren’t willing to) due to drama going on between you two or in their own life. The root issue is likely out of your control, but you can avoid feeding into this energy by not exaggerating or telling other people what’s going on between the two of you. Be wise by keeping any complications under your hat.


January 20 – February 18

Domestic change is on the wind. This could be related to the home itself — you’re possibly changing the decor, cleaning and reorganizing, or even painting walls and repairing appliances. You’re capable of setting necessary improvements in motion and making your living space really fit you. That being said, it may instead mean that someone is moving in or out, and you’re learning to adapt to an unfamiliar presence or absence in your house. Make your home where your heart wants to be.


February 19 – March 20

Authority figures might not immediately understand your current needs. You and they could come from different backgrounds or separate generations, and because of this, they may not comprehend what you’re asking them for or how you’re asking them to do something. Don’t let disappointment make you give up! Instead, do your best to figure out what, specifically, is confusing them, and then find ways to relate to them. Your situation might totally turn around — and you could gain a friend in the process.

Originally Published: