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Opinion |
Ex-MSP employee has little sympathy for fired Trooper of the Year | READER COMMENTARY

Ex-Trooper Kashef Khan sits on his motorcycle.
Kim Hairston/Baltimore Sun
Former Maryland Trooper of the Year Kashef Khan sits on his motorcycle. He has alleged racial discrimination and retaliation by Maryland State Police.

I retired from the Maryland State Police after 30 years as a civilian employee. I saw troopers promoted several times a year, every year. All of their hiring, promotion and progressive discipline practices follow strict guidelines. These practices have nothing to do with race, religion, sex or anything else. They hire and promote the most qualified individuals. Troopers are also recognized for outstanding performance, on a yearly basis, after being considered by a committee of their peers.

Nothing else enters into this decision. As far as progressive discipline, hearing boards are made up of a trooper’s peers. Strict guidelines are followed.

I am sick of people not taking responsibility for their behavior and poor performance. Kashef Khan, who was fired in 2022 after a trial board found him guilty of two counts of making false reports, along with unbecoming conduct, is not the first trooper to fall from grace during employment (“Maryland appeals court upholds termination of Kashef Khan, former State Police Trooper of the Year,” Jan. 19).

If you do not follow the rules as stated in the administrative and patrol manuals, you can expect appropriate action to be taken. Former Trooper Khan has never owned his behavior or expressed any remorse.

— C. Billian, Baltimore

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