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Hampstead Mayor Chris Nevin. May 24, 2016
KEN KOONS/STAFF PHOTO / Carroll County Times
Hampstead Mayor Chris Nevin. May 24, 2016
Carroll County Times' Reporter, Sherry Greenfield.

Editor’s note: This is part of a series of stories talking to Carroll County mayors about the past year and looking ahead at plans for 2024.

Mayor Chris Nevin said the town of Hampstead tackled long-planned projects and successfully ran day-to-day operations of government in 2023.

Last winter, the town submitted an application to the state for grant funding to be used for the Hampstead Water System Modernization and Consolidation Project. The town was awarded $19.5 million in grants and forgivable loans to be used toward upgrading its water system. A forgivable loan is a type of loan that allows borrowers to have the balance of their loan either partially or totally forgiven if they meet certain conditions.

The Hampstead Police Department also hired two new officers, Jessie Burriss and Casey Mann. Burriss previously worked at the Frederick County Detention Center, and Mann came from the Prince George’s County Police Department. The Hampstead Police Department includes 10 sworn officers and one civilian employee.

Nevin has lived in Hampstead since 1989 and was first elected mayor in 1995. He served two terms until 2003, when he was elected to the Town Council, where he served until November 2010, when he was appointed mayor again. Nevin was elected mayor in 2011, 2015 and 2019. His current term ends in 2027. He works as senior vice president and mid-Atlantic regional manager for investment real estate with First National Bank.

We asked Nevin to reflect on the past year and look ahead to 2024.

What were the top accomplishments for Hampstead in 2023?

During January 2023, public works staff, town hall staff and our engineering team worked together to create and submit an application to receive forgivable grant funding from (the Environmental Protection Agency) and (the Maryland Department of the Environment) for the Hampstead Water System Modernization and Consolidation Project. In November, we were notified that Hampstead would receive $19.5 million in grants and forgivable loans. We are now working with MDE on the proper process to begin the project.

The town was able to make significant upgrades and improvements to two of our town parks. The town installed a new walking path, playground equipment, picnic tables, and a large wooden swing at Chief Sites Park. We also renovated Sugar Maple Park to include an obstacle course and swing play area.

Public Works oversaw the replacement of an additional 2,900 feet of old concrete water main with new piping. Public Works also oversaw the total reconditioning project for the North Water Tower. Town staff worked with the Hampstead Main Street Committee to install eight benches in the downtown area of our revitalized Main Street.

The Hampstead Police Department hired two additional officers to compliment the outstanding police staff we have. Chief Snyder and his department continue to keep Hampstead a safe place in ever changing times.

Overall, from the normal operations of government to special long term projects it was a good year.

What are the top priorities and issues the town is facing in 2024?

The Hampstead Water System Modernization and Consolidation Project will remain in the forefront of town priorities for the next three years. The project entails constructing three new water treatment plants and enlarging one existing water treatment plant to allow for the installation of Granular Activated Carbon filter systems to remove PFAS from the Town’s water. This project also includes piping raw water from existing wells to the new treatment facilities. This will be one of the largest, if not the largest, infrastructure projects the town has ever undertaken.

The lack of rental housing for our younger residents continues to be a problem. The Town Council passed an ordinance in November to allow mixed use properties in our local business district. This will allow for more rental units along Main Street which should help ease the situation.

Another priority is the continued support for our businesses and the promotion of our downtown Main Street area.

How was it working with the county government on issues in 2023?

As it has been in the past, Hampstead has maintained a good relationship with the Carroll County government. The town and county work together on many issues and projects including commercial and residential development, planning, stormwater management, water resources and law enforcement. The assistance of the county staff complements all the work our Hampstead town staff achieves.

How do you see the town/county working relationship going into 2024?

We do not foresee any reason for any change in our relationship with the county.

Originally Published: