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Opinion |
Alsobrooks deserves to be described as ‘fearless’ | READER COMMENTARY

Angela Alsobrooks celebrates her primary win.
Angela Alsobrooks celebrates with supporters during her victory party on Primary Election Night. (Cassidy Jensen/Staff)

Letter writer Robert C. Erlandson’s claim that The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board’s description of U.S. Senate candidate Angela Alsobrooks as “fearless” somehow betrays liberal bias is wrong. It is appropriate (“Do not underestimate fearless Angela Alsobrooks,” May 15).

With a month to go before the Democratic primary, she was behind, faced being outspent 10-1 by her opponent and remained unfamiliar to many statewide voters. She campaigned with great energy and consistency, her political allies worked tirelessly informing voters on her behalf, her opponent made some goofy public mistakes, and the sheer volume of his advertising turned off many people.

Against odds, her nine percentage point win was, indeed, fearless. Her political stances and her status as a woman of color only add to her appeal as a formidable campaigner.

— Stan Heuisler, Baltimore

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