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Baltimore private schools lock down Thursday after threats

Three Baltimore Police vehicles line up outside Bryn Mawr Little School, MAy 30, 2024. Officers were responding to a telephoned threat. (STAFF)
Three Baltimore Police vehicles line up outside Bryn Mawr Little School, MAy 30, 2024. Officers were responding to a telephoned threat. (STAFF)

Baltimore Police officers were at two private schools Thursday afternoon in the Roland Park area of the city after separate threats were called into The Bryn Mawr School and Gilman School.

Police spokesperson Vernon Davis said officers responded to Bryn Mawr, an all-girls school, to investigate a phone threat. He said police also were at Gilman, an all-boys school, “conducting an investigation” following a bomb threat.

Davis noted that the calls were being investigated separately. No students were at Gilman at the time, and police had given the all-clear later in the afternoon, according to a message to the school community. Only Bryn Mawr’s “little school,” its infant to pre-K program, was in session when it received a “threatening phone call” prompting a “lockdown for a potential campus intruder,” the school said. Bryn Mawr got the all-clear from police less than an hour later.

Bryn Mawr held “Class Day,” a day to highlight student achievements before graduation, on Thursday morning. The school was slated to hold graduation on Friday morning. Its lower and middle school students had their last days of the school year earlier this week, according to its academic calendar.

Gilman students, meanwhile, were slated to meet for prom in the evening. That school’s graduation was slated for Friday evening.