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Conversations carry an extra weight today. The Moon begins with a blurring conjunction to mystical Neptune before marching into fiery Aries for the next two days. Meanwhile, Mercury in Cancer will square wise Chiron at 1:58 pm EDT, which could result in difficult talks. Thankfully, they should yield valuable results that allow us to expel old drama. The Moon will wrap things up with a square to the Sun in Cancer, so any lingering tensions can be released with physical activity.
The mood truly is all over the place today. The gentle Moon in encouraging Pisces begins with an energizing sextile to fiery Mars in Taurus, before moving on to conjoin patient Saturn at 10:57 am EDT, setting us up for a day of slow but steady progress. Luna will then trine Mercury in Cancer, helping us think clearly and productively. On top of that, a spark of originality or eccentricity should really pay off when the Moon finally sextiles rebel Uranus, also in Taurus.
Our words are more effective than usual. The day begins on a gentle note as the Moon enters free-flowing Pisces, but the energy takes a turn for the serious yet productive as Mercury in Cancer teams up with Saturn, also in Pisces. We are empowered to follow our intuitions to useful concepts and conversations. There will be an undeniable distractibility when the Moon squares excitable Jupiter in Gemini, but Luna's trine to Venus in Cancer should ensure that it's all for the best.
This day could bring a surprise or two, for better or for worse. We may struggle to communicate our ideas properly as the Moon in Aquarius and Mercury in Cancer bother each other in a quincunx. Still, there's progress to be made once Luna sextiles Chiron in Aries. We might have to change our plans or catch some curveballs when the Moon locks into a square with rebel Uranus at 6:30 pm EDT, so a sense of flexibility will prove even more useful than normal.
A current of intensity runs under today's surface, like a tremoring earthquake beneath our feet. The Moon in Aquarius begins by conjoining Pluto at 1:50 am EDT, bringing out our shadow sides -- for better or worse. The Moon will then trine excitable Jupiter in Gemini and stumble over Venus in Cancer, which could entice us into getting carried away. A final lunar square to Mars in Taurus will require us to maintain a cool head to avoid getting into trouble.
We can take care of our own business before turning around to deal with other people and their baggage. The Moon begins the day in get-it-done Capricorn, though we may stumble for a moment when it squares sensitive Chiron in Aries. Still, solutions can be found once Luna trines free-thinking Uranus in steady Taurus. Our efforts don't have to be so intense as the Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces, before it finally drifts into public-minded Aquarius at 11:14 pm EDT. We're allowed to relax.
Channeling our energies in a productive fashion will require a bit more effort than usual. The Moon in Capricorn jumps into an opposition to Venus in Cancer, and then the Sun, also in Cancer, will make an uncomfortable quincunx to Pluto in Aquarius at 8:01 am EDT. We may struggle to tell if we should listen to our hearts, minds, or our ambitions. The Moon cools off with a trine to Mars in Taurus, easing tension, before opposing Mercury, urging us to speak our minds.
Our ambitions and achievements take center stage. The Moon in Sagittarius begins with a healing trine to Chiron, creating a space where we can align our ideas and our actions once Mercury then sextiles Mars. The Moon will move on to Capricorn as the day progresses, culminating in a spectacular Full Moon at 9:08 pm EDT. We are invited to make new progress toward long-term goals. Plus, projects that have been in the works for some time may be ready for a reveal.
It's time for an emotional reset. The Moon in Sagittarius makes a fuss over Mars in Taurus, tugging us back and forth between trying something unfamiliar and exotic versus doing things by the book. Finding clarity will be difficult when the Sun in Gemini squares mysterious Neptune in Pisces. Fortunately, the energy shifts into something more open when the Sun enters caring Cancer at 4:51 pm EDT, initiating a thirty-day cycle for getting better in touch with our feelings and our families, chosen or biological.
Tension is ready to drain out of us. The Moon in Scorpio immediately shakes things up as it opposes rebellious Uranus in Taurus, though we can find a way to settle into any surprises when the Moon then trines gentle Neptune in Pisces. The Moon will bound into truth-seeking Sagittarius at 12:32 pm EDT, giving us the desire to grow beyond whatever we have previously known. Watch out -- this urge could become too powerful to ignore when the Moon opposes powerhouse Jupiter.