BN Discover

Old Gods and the Spirits of Home: Sharks in the Time of Saviors– Our March Discover Pick of the Month

After reading Sharks in the Time of Saviors, I kept coming back to a central theme that cuts to the heart of the story—home is magical and it’s not until you leave that you realize it was there all along.
We chose this electrifying debut as our Discover Pick of the Month and aren’t the only readers who were drawn to its lore:
Sharks in the Time of Saviors is the novel you never knew you were waiting for. Old Myths clash with new realities, love is in a ride or die with grief, faith rubs hard against magic, and comic flips with tragic so much they meld into something new. All told with daredevil lyricism to burn. A ferocious debut.”
Marlon James, author of Black Leopard, Red Wolf
Sharks in the Time of Saviors bursts with life.  It is bright and beautifully noisy.  It’s so good it hurts and hurts to where it heals. It is revelatory and unputdownable. Washburn is an extraordinarily brilliant new talent. This family saga is shark tooth sharp. Its pages shoot off crackles and sparks, and you come out of it changed. It is sublime.”
Tommy Orange, author of There There
Told from multiple points of view, we follow three siblings as they grapple with their present lives—and their family’s future. Their mother encourages her children to follow their dreams, even if it means doing so will take them far from home. One by one, the siblings return to the island where they must reckon with family secrets, grief, and what it means to survive.
Sharks in the Time of Saviors is an audacious debut, and I can’t wait to see what Kawai Strong Washburn will write next!