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 I learned recently that a former co-worker is now a bee-keeper and does some tech stuff on the side. F was always an interesting woman but this is quite a detour even for her. She must… Read More
 As someone who has changed jobs more times that I like to call attention to in my resume, I have developed adaptations to cope with new job jitters - over the years even learned who to… Read More
 It is common to read about how Gen Z cannot afford to buy homes despite rising salaries. Kids right out of college are making more than my generation did ten years into the workforce… Read More
 This visual of how quickly we reach overshoot day each year is very compelling. While we seem to be doing worse overall, there were periods when we improved for a bit before sliding in… Read More
 There is a lot of good advice for young people starting out in their career in this post. While most of the ideas are ones I figured out over the years, the last one is something I am… Read More
 As someone who was not athletic growing and even mocked for lack of ability in the area, getting into a fitness regimen has been a long, arduous process for me. I've always felt less r… Read More
 I love the idea of getting tourists to clean up after themselves and earn rewards along the way. It seems where the conditions are distressed enough the locals need to be incentivized… Read More
 A woman I know had a baby couple of months ago and she's allowed to from home until the child is a year old. H is extremely grateful that she has this benefit and she's also confused a… Read More
 Quaint story about a woman's photograph being used without her consent to make false claims in whisky ads. When traveling anywhere touristy it is common experience to have taken pictur… Read More
 Lighting a match to burn incense or start the grill feels satisfying. The sound, the smell and the flash of light together take me back to childhood. In a family of may smokers, this i… Read More
Interesting that a grocery store bill could be a proxy for credit scores. The bill is a reflection of who the person is when no one is looking and probably why such a strong predictorWe foun… Read More
Stars on 45 came to mind on my way back from the gym. The instructor, L is a good bit older than me and extremely fit. I like his classes because he shows us what is possible with effort and… Read More
 D is now deceased but a few days ago I remembered the words he said to me that stayed with me for a very long time. We had known each other for a couple of years at the time and one da… Read More
 I have wild raspberry bushes growing in my yard. When I first spotted them, the plants had started to bloom. Anticipating berries in due season, I started to keep an eye on them and th… Read More
 This women's room would be worth visiting like a trip to the museum - almost too beautiful to be actually used. The idea of bring art and function together is wonderful and inspiringTh… Read More
 As a desi woman I can't wait for Harris to make a power statement with the sari as this article suggests:Imagine what else she could bring to her look when the election is behind her… Read More
Read about this creative solar panel solution that seems to address a number of adoption issues. We had our local utility provider try to sell us on installing solar panels on the roof a few… Read More
 The comments on this story about a hiking exoskeleton made for interesting reading. As useful as the device is, form more that functionality can define its success. For the observer th… Read More
Learned that declining vulture populations in India contributed to 500,000 human deaths. Cattle get treated with some pain-killer that is fatal to vultures and they don't survive after feedi… Read More
 P has been on my mind yet again - this time after the longest hiatus ever. I want to believe that coincided with the phase of my life when I felt most free, as close as I could ever co… Read More
 I had the strangest job interview experience recently. The recruiter has been warm, cheery and exuberant almost trying to sell me on the role but when pushed for detail he had very lit… Read More
My friend T gave me a piece of wisdom that I have turned over in my head several times since I received it. When a person offers their partner support in a difficult time so they can get bac… Read More
While I don't have social media and don't have to deal with doom-scrolling, reading the news of my phone is almost as bad. Depending on the source, the opinions are skewed left or right in w… Read More
 When I am driving in a familiar place, I try not to use navigation - it was a bad habit to have such needless reliance and become a lazy driver, so I made an effort to change. This NYT… Read More
People rooting for your success, improvement etc., often distance themselves from you once you have achieved the goal. While this article talks about how not to let that happen in the c… Read More
Read about this concept of  a traveling village and found it quite interesting. If this way of living works for atleast some of the families of the set of twenty, then chances are they… Read More
 I saw Provoked only recently - by now almost 20 years after it was released. Aishwarya Rai carries the movie almost on her with Naveen Andrew doing his part (somewhat) as the menacing… Read More
 The days of all you can eat days of trawling data to train AI are winding down. As always, the companies that precipitated the problem of content creators shutting down access are the… Read More
I have known S for a while but she has never met my daughter. When S and I met a few weeks after my birthday, she asked how my day had been. I  shared with her that J had send me a beau… Read More
 I interviewed a couple of candidates recently and had what my first taste of job interviews enabled by LLM. Both candidates had prepared for the interview with a chatbot and their resu… Read More
 A friend who works for an premium cosmetics brand told me that all sunscreens are bad and to only wear things that form a physical barrier - the stuff that leaves behind white residue… Read More
 Reading this article reminded me of my cousin M who grew up in a joint family. She was the youngest child and everyone was concerned that she did not talk. They had her hearing tested… Read More
 Whatever the new avatar of the Chrome third party cookie, it is all but given that it will be good for Google and not so much for the rest. It must be quite trippy to lead the world al… Read More
 I may have heard of one the six dishes listed in this story and have never been to Hong Kong. The egg waffles look very unique are has a couple of origin stories :There are two contrad… Read More
Watched Pathaan recently after having read and heard a lot of controversy around it. The movie was excruciating long without any redeeming value but I was not able to appreciate why it becam… Read More
 The author describes the state of Google search these days very well. The results are more arbitrary than ever and of dubious reliability. They had search solved for the longest time (… Read More
 I have definitely worked a lot of bullshit jobs in my career. After a while it became hard to escape the gnawing inner voice that reminded every morning that I was wasting my time and… Read More
 It was a bit surprising for me to see Ritalin and psilocybin mentioned somewhat interchangeably in this article. Poking around some more it seems while both influence brain functi… Read More
 In the last few years, I have started to realize that my mother imagines that my relationship with her mirrors mine with J. This a bit far from reality given the different people and c… Read More
 I read this essay right after spending couple of hours working in the yard - not because I am growing a magnificent flower garden or the fruit trees are laden. That is just how much ti… Read More
 Would be great to see this become a wider trend and college education for all deserving students become free. In that scenario, if a student who met the financial criteria still needed… Read More
 Watched this beautiful short film about a day in the life of a patient and care-giver. The old man played perfectly by Naseeruddin Shah has Alzheimer's  and the young woman is a r… Read More
The level of effort it takes to have a vibrant social life is often seen as too high by those of us who generally prefer their solitude. The folks I have been friends with for the longest ti… Read More
 I had a fun time reading Krish Ashok's Masala Lab recently. There is ton of wisdom in the book for novice and experienced cooks alike. The biriyani project plan towards the end of the… Read More
 The only time some kids got to read and think about science writing might have been in the ACT.  It did not require any great knowledge or core understanding of science - more a t… Read More
I started to watch God Save My Shoes hoping it might be insightful. In my teens and twenties I was quite shoe-crazy and had many very uncomfortable ones. Ownership of the shoes felt ridiculo… Read More
It's not often that I get to step into a Bangladeshi restaurant and speak in Bangla with everyone.  The owner was playing carrom with someone in one corner when I got there. It was too… Read More
The mishaps of a woman's dating life and romantic relationships can serve many purposes. Among friends it could provide release, amusement not to mention camaraderie. Just talking through th… Read More
 A yen to return to simpler times is very understandable. Many of us expats who are several decades removed from the present reality of our home countries like to visit and return to th… Read More
 Driving to the gym one evening, I caught an interview on the radio about some heavy, potentially unstoppable and unsolvable climate change insight that the researcher was talking about… Read More

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