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Corporate Travel Vaccinations & Health Advice Service

Offering your employees personalised travel health advice, including travel vaccinations & antimalarials

Protecting your employees

As an employer, you have a duty of care to ensure any employees travelling overseas for business have been informed of the health risks for their trip and take steps to help protect against them.

As a responsible employer, to meet duty of care for employees travelling for business, consider:

• Performing a thorough risk assessment

• Being able to demonstrate that you've accurately informed your employees of the latest disease risks for each trip they take

• Providing, at the company's expense, vaccinations and antimalarials needed that the employee opts to receive

• Providing preventative advice for travel health disease risks

• Keeping an audit trail of what was recommended to and selected by the employee

A service that suits you

The Corporate Travel Vaccinations & Health Advice Service helps you fulfil your duty of care needs and can be tailored to your business requirements.

It's designed to be convenient for your employees and your business. It includes: 

• Full risk assessment and personalised advice from our specially-trained travel health pharmacists

• Range of antimalarials and travel vaccinations, including yellow fever*

• Up-to-date, clinically validated advice which is consistent in each UK store*

• A full audit trail of your employee's use of the service**

• Free consultation and competitive rate on vaccinations and antimalarials

• The freedom to allow you to choose which vaccinations and antimalarials you want to fund for your employees 

*Selected stores only, eligibility criteria apply, subject to pharmacist and stock availability

**Due to medical data privacy, we cannot share with you which vaccinations or antimalarials your employees have opted to receive



Complete the application form and submit it to us either by email or post


Once your account is created, we'll contact you with all the information and employee forms you'll need


Brief your employees who'll then be able to book an appointment at a Boots pharmacy offering the service

Whether you choose to pay by invoice or your employees pay in store, your employees will receive bite avoidance advice, a consultation summary and receipt detailing any vaccinations and antimalarials provided.

Benefits of the service

• Accessible: Appointments available in almost 300 stores across the UK, including evenings and weekends

• Convenient: Book appointments online or in store

• Personalised: Advice tailored to your employees and their travel plans


You can choose the way you pay. We can either send you monthly invoices or your employees can pay in store and we'll give them a receipt for your accounts. Any vaccinations or antimalarials provided will be charged at market competitive prices. 

Contact us

Email [email protected] for more information.


Corporate Eyecare

Help look after your employees' eyes

Corporate Flu Jab Service

Offering protection against flu through a hassle-free online solution, to help keep your employees healthy & reduce workplace absence