Letters to the editor

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Aviation fuel

The recent guest oped (“Taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize billionaires’ jet fuel,” June 21) significantly mischaracterizes sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), its benefits and beneficiaries. Nearly 3 million passengers and more than 58,000 tons of cargo move through American airports every day. Sustainable aviation fuel will help America’s aviation industry meet growing fuel demand. It will also help our country achieve domestic energy security while reducing carbon emissions.

Sustainable aviation fuel is made from crops, plants, captured gases or waste and is creating new markets for American agriculture, bioenergy and technology developers.  When deployed, SAF can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 90% compared to traditional jet fuel.

Despite the oped, the benefits of SAF are clear and well established. That’s why SAF enjoys broad, bipartisan support by lawmakers from both parties in Congress.

Alison Graab

Executive Director of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition

Biden replacement

The Democrats have the perfect replacement for Biden in Gina Marie Raimondo. She has a first-rate education and has a political training that only a governor can receive even in the smallest state. Newsom and Whitmer are damaged goods and very divisive. Few have noticed Raimondo’s excellent work as Commerce Secretary. Even experienced Republicans would work with and for a President Raimondo. We need a new personality with smarts and leadership who has the maturity to seriously address our current multiple problems.

Paul Rogan


Border security

It’s a shame that Sen. Elizabeth Warren apparently suffers from memory loss, as does her boss. Warren, a member of the President’s National Advisory Board, went on ABC’s “This Week on Sunday” recently to declare that President Biden, on his first day in office, asked Congress to give him the tools necessary for comprehensive immigration reform. That “reform,” as the Herald has previously pointed out, included dozens of administration actions encouraging illegal immigration.

We have not had a secure border since Biden took office.  This administration imposed a moratorium on deportations.  It expanded asylum eligibility.  It released thousands of migrants prior to their asylum hearings.  It ended Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.  It brought legal actions against border states attempting to reduce the surge of migrants. These Biden policies have created fiscal and physical damage, even death, nationwide. Worse, this was a planned, deliberate action.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there have been 7.2 million illegal immigration encounters since Biden took office.  For the president’s supporters, including our own senator, to now try to shift the blame for this entirely avoidable mess to Republican inaction is the height of hypocrisy.  Democrats created this mess and the voters won’t let them off the hook for it, nor should they.

Sean F. Flaherty



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