Waltz: Debt Accumulated Under Trump ‘Was Emergency COVID Spending’ — We Need to Claw Back the Unspent Money

On Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show,” Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) responded to criticism of the trillions of dollars added to the national debt under former President Donald Trump by 2024 GOP presidential candidate former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley by stating that “that was COVID spending. That was emergency spending.” And now the unspent money needs to be clawed back and many members of Congress are doing so.

After listening to audio of Haley saying that fellow candidates, Sen. Tim Scott, former Vice President Mike Pence, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis voted to raise debt, Trump added to the debt, and the 2024 GOP budget is bloated with earmarks, Waltz said, [relevant remarks begin around 23:40] “Well, look, Nikki Haley had a strong night. She really did. I think she was one of the stars last night. But she knows, and Tim Scott came back, and so did Vice President Pence, that that was COVID spending. That was emergency spending. Now, I’m in the Congress, and many of us are pulling that money back. The unspent money, we need to pull it back, apply it back to our debt. But she knows, under Trump, that that was emergency COVID spending that she was talking about.”

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