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  • August 15, 2024

    To protect our national security, safeguard Ohioans’ privacy, and support the American auto industry, we must ban Chinese internet-connected vehicles before they can get a foothold in our country. These are vehicles that can collect, transmit, and store sensitive information, like fingerprints, voice recordings, vehicle location, sensor data,... Read More
  • August 09, 2024

    On July 30th, the president signed our bill — the All-American Flag Act — into law. Until now, the flags flown at military installations and government buildings, and even the flags that, tragically, are given to families of fallen servicemembers, were not required to be completely made in America. They only had to use 50 percent American... Read More
  • August 02, 2024

    On July 30th, the president signed our new law: the All-American Flag Act. Until now, the flags flown at military installations and government buildings, and even the flags that, tragically, are given to families of fallen servicemembers, were not required to be completely made in America. They only had to use 50 percent American materials. That... Read More
  • July 26, 2024

    We know the threat that China poses to our national security and our economy. The Chinese Communist Party steals trade secrets from our companies, buys up sensitive land around our military bases, and is always working to find new ways to gather information about us that they can leverage to get ahead. Now they are looking to internet-connected... Read More
  • July 19, 2024

    The clean hydrogen industry has tremendous potential in Ohio. The Appalachian Clean Hydrogen Hub is anticipated to create more than 21,000 good-paying jobs in the region – including more than 18,000 in construction and more than 3,000 permanent jobs. And it means Ohio workers will play a critical role in building the energy economy of the... Read More
  • June 27, 2024

    Tire retreading supports thousands of good paying jobs across the country and in Ohio. Akron is the Rubber Capital of the world, and the tire and retread industries have been critical to the local economy for decades. Trucking companies rely on retreaded tires to keep their trucks on the road and bus fleets need retreaded tires to keep up their... Read More
  • June 14, 2024

    For the 12th summer in a row, my office is partnering with local businesses and other organizations to host Summer Manufacturing Camps for students across Ohio. We came up with the idea for the camps more than a decade ago to introduce young Ohioans to American manufacturing happening in their communities, and show them all the opportunities... Read More
  • June 10, 2024

    The brightest light of the American solar industry is Northwest Ohio. First Solar employs about 3,000 workers, and smaller local companies should be the beginning of a growing regional supply chain. But China is deliberately doing all it can to stifle that growth. China illegally subsidizes industries they believe are key to global economic... Read More
  • June 03, 2024

    Last month, the President signed the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2024 into law, which includes wins we secured for airports across Ohio and important steps to keep air travel safe. In Youngstown, we redesignated the Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport as a primary airport. It’s a major win for the whole region. The... Read More
  • May 20, 2024

    Last week we observed National Police week - a week to honor the law enforcement officers who sacrifice each day to keep our communities safe.  At memorial services around Ohio and in Washington, three Ohioans who made the ultimate sacrifice in the last year were commemorated: Officer Timothy James Unwin III, Deputy Sheriff Marcus Ziegler, and... Read More
  • April 26, 2024

    This week, we took a major step to crack down on fentanyl traffickers, so that we can keep this deadly drug out of Ohio. After months of building bipartisan support, we passed my FEND Off Fentanyl Act and the president signed it into law. It means we’re now able to impose new, more powerful sanctions targeting the entire fentanyl supply chain – all... Read More
  • April 15, 2024

    For the last year, we’ve been fighting to stop a proposed Department of Energy rule that would have put the supply chain for transformers at risk and threatened hundreds of Ohio steel jobs. Transformers, the metal boxes on powerline poles, are crucial to our electric grid. And when storms knock out transformers and power lines, it takes too many... Read More
  • April 08, 2024

    For years, Ohioans have been paying way too much for insulin. Drug companies charge exorbitant prices, making insulin one of the most overpriced drugs out there. Insulin has been around for decades. It costs less than $10 to make one vial. But drug companies jack up the price so high that Ohioans can end up paying more than 10 times the amount it... Read More
  • March 25, 2024

    Last week we delivered a big win for Ohio: the investment necessary to complete the historic Intel project in New Albany. This new investment is all possible because we passed the CHIPS Act. It will boost Intel’s initial investment, creating additional jobs and building a new regional chipmaking ecosystem, anchored by the construction of two... Read More
  • March 12, 2024

    We know corporations are constantly finding new ways to charge customers more and boost their profits. Every time Ohioans check out at the store, they aren’t just paying for their groceries, they’re paying for corporate stock buybacks and executive bonuses. In 2022 alone, grocery prices increased by 12 percent – the largest spike in nearly 50... Read More
  • March 04, 2024

    We know what a problem unfair foreign competition is – particularly by countries like China, where companies are always finding new ways to cheat.  One current loophole allows these companies – along with drug traffickers – to evade U.S. taxes, fees, and inspections when packages are worth less than $800. It’s known as the “de minimis”... Read More
  • February 16, 2024

    No Ohio veteran should be kicked out of their home when they’re trying to get back on track with payments. As Chair of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, I’m working to make home ownership more affordable for everyone, including our veterans and servicemembers. During the height of the pandemic, when many families faced financial... Read More
  • February 07, 2024

    Nearly everyone in Ohio has a fentanyl story – it may be in your own family, it may be a neighbor, it may be a coworker. They’re stories of families torn apart. Of parents losing teenagers before they graduate high school. Of grandparents stepping in to raise grandchildren. We’ve all lost someone, or know someone who’s lost someone. It’s a crisis... Read More
  • February 02, 2024

    It’s one reason it would be so dangerous to allow foreign adversaries to buy up local farmland in Ohio and around the country. It’s a threat to our food, it’s a threat to our national security, and it’s a threat to rural economies and communities. We can’t let that happen.   It’s why I introduced bipartisan legislation to expose foreign farmland... Read More
  • January 29, 2024

    This time of year Ohioans know all too well how important reliable electricity is.  When storms knock out transformers and power lines, it takes too many communities too long to get the power back on. One big reason is often delays in getting new transformers – the metal boxes on power line poles.  Transformers are crucial to our electric grid, and... Read More