
Wizards Fandom: Summarized In A Single Gif.

This gif is the perfect distillation of Wizards fans.

3-4 fans really sicced. A guy on his phone who couldn't care less. Another guy who can't put down his food long enough to cheer so he just nods. A woman who's there on the most insufferable first date ever. A random Hawks fan who's seen enough of this sh*t and is headed to the Metro. An awkwardly executed high five. An opposing fan with a been who's just smirking as he sees his chances of a win slipping away. An usher who really should be doing her job but just says "eff it" and stands up to cheer. A Wiz fan with a beer who's just happy he got it before last call.

What else did you notice?

This represents the view of the user who wrote the FanPost, and not the entire Bullets Forever community. We're a place of many opinions, not just one.