8 reasons you could be losing hair — and what you can do about it

hair loss hair brush
If your hair loss is out of the ordinary, it could be linked to a greater issue. I-ing/Shutterstock

Whether you notice it or not, hair shedding is a normal, natural occurrence that takes place on a daily basis. Healthline reports that out of the 100,000+ hairs on our scalps, roughly 50 to 100 strands normally fall out per day.


Unfortunately, that’s not the case for many. If your shower drain is clogged with hair after each shower and your bedroom floor is scattered with falling strands on a daily basis, you may be experiencing abnormal hair loss.

It's important to monitor your tresses, as excessive hair loss and lack of regrowth can mean an array of underlying issues, including illnesses.

Here are some potential reasons why you may be experiencing hair loss.


Hair loss can be a symptom of various health issues.

woman at doctor's office
You'll probably want to speak to your doctor. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

A variety of health concerns — extending from hormonal changes to anemia and protein deficiency — can lead to hair loss. One of the most common health issues that leads to excess hair loss is alopecia, which is an autoimmune condition that causes the destruction of hair follicles.

Mental health issues, such as severe anxiety and stress, can also lead to balding.

"Be inquisitive regarding your health in order to address any hair loss issues," Peter Lamas, celebrity hairstylist and founder of the Peter Lamas hair care line, told INSIDER. "When you notice a change and your hair is thinning, see a doctor to address any health concerns that could be impacting your hair loss."




Medications can also lead to hair loss.

If it's raising red flags, talk to your doctor. Shutterstock/fizkes

If you're taking any medication or are on a routine medical treatment (such as chemotherapy), then you may experience hair loss.

Although it's not always preventable, you may want to check the side effects of your medications and talk to your doctor to find out more.


Your excessive hair loss could be hereditary.

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There are products that can help. Cushy Spa/Flickr

In some cases, your genetics may be at the root of your hair loss. Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done to sway your DNA.

If you're aware that balding and hair loss is common in your family, you can take preventative measures to keep your hair and follicles healthy. Lamas suggests using scalp and hair products targeted to restore hair growth, as well as topical scalp treatments and medications.

Pregnancy can also lead to hair loss.

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It could be partially due to hormonal changes. Dejan Dundjerski / Shutterstock

When you're pregnant, your body goes through major hormonal changes and stress — two big factors in hair loss. This type of hair loss can also occur post-pregnancy. 


People who identify as men are more likely to lose their hair than people who identify as women.

bald spot hair loss
Men oftentimes experience balding on the crown area of their head. The Sun Photo/Shutterstock

This is known as "male pattern baldness." According to WebMD, as many as 85% of men go through some type of hair loss in their lifetime, so it's much more common for men to experience balding than women.

"Men commonly lose their hair only on the crown area, while women tend to lose hair all over, that's why hair transplants for women are not recommended," Lamas told INSIDER.


As you age, your risk of hair loss increases.

hair loss brush
But, some preventative measures might help. Phimsri/Shutterstock

It's a common part of aging. Research published in "The International Journal of Women's Dermatology" reports that 38% of women over the age of 50 report noticeable hair thinning and hair loss.

"With aging, it is not uncommon to see hair loss or obvious thinning of the hair in women as they enter their 50s, 60s, and continuing beyond," Lamas told INSIDER.

Unfortunately, this is also another problem that can't be solved once it arises. The key to keeping your hair from falling out is by taking preventative measures and maintaining the health of your hair, said Lamas.


Over-styling your hair can cause fallout.

Curling Long Hair
Heat damage might cause you to lose more hair. frantic00/Shutterstock

Over-styling your hair can cause extreme amounts of damage. Certain styles that cause tension on your tresses can lead to excess stress that can cause breakage and damage, Lamas told INSIDER.

"Vigorous styling can torture weakened hair and affect the hair root, with the probability of your hair not growing back," Lamas said. He also points out that using heated hair tools like straighteners and curling wands can also cause damage to your hair that can lead to balding.


But, there are a few things that may help with managing and preventing hair loss.

woman washing hair shampoo
It's important to be delicate with your hair while it's wet. Shutterstock

Lamas suggests avoiding hairstyles that pull on the hairline. And, to avoid wrapping your hair in a towel after showering, since the tension created on your delicate wet hair can cause tearing and snapping of strands.

He also suggests limiting your usage of tools that produce severe heat. When using a heated hair tool, always apply a heat protectant to your hair beforehand.

Lastly, Lamas said those looking to prevent hair loss should be wary of chemically-formulated processing treatments that use harsh chemicals and toxins. 

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