Ladies who date men: You absolutely need to talk about your career plans before getting serious. Here's how.

couple's therapy
Relationship experts weigh in on a trouble trend: chances for divorce rising after a wife gets promoted. Getty Images
  • Heterosexual couples in which the wife earns more than her husband are more likely to report low marriage satisfaction, research shows. 
  • A woman who gets promoted to a high-level job such as CEO is more likely to get divorced, according to one study. 
  • Why does this happen? It's the shattering of expectations within a relationship, experts say. 
  • Heterosexual couples can avoid trouble by taking a few steps: Talk about career ambitions and expectations early on, seek professional help if necessary, and more. 
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Women in the workforce have made major gains over the past few years. 

2018 was labeled "the year of the woman" for the number of US women shattering records in political office, 2019 saw the ripple of effects of the #MeToo movement across numerous industries, and 2020 kicked off with new data that women have now overtaken men as the majority of the US workforce

Yet, despite these gains for women, troubling trends persist among heterosexual couples. Indeed, early studies indicate, gender progress — uncomfortable as it might sound — could be straining relationships.


Global research paints a troubling picture for women who want a successful career and marriage.

woman at work
A woman who gets promoted to high-level job is "dramatically" more likely to get divorced, one study shows. Luis Alvarez/Getty Images

In marriages where the wife's potential income is likely to exceed her husband's, the wife is actually less likely to be in the labor force, a 2015 study published in The Quarterly Journal of Economics shows. 

In marriages where a wife does earn more than her husband, she's also more likely to spend more time on chores, and the husband and wife are more likely to report not being satisfied with their marriage

Moreover, wives are more likely than husbands to make compromises to their work schedule or overall careers when faced with family or childcare issues.

And according to a 2016 study in Sweden — a country which has a higher percentage of women in political office than the US, and one that prides itself on the acceptance of the word feminist — shows that a woman's career success often comes at the expense of her marriage. A woman's promotion to a "top job" such as CEO or political leader "dramatically" increases her chances for divorce, but the same is not true for a man who gets promoted.

A woman's promotion in and of itself is not inherently dangerous to a marriage. It's that her promotion may defy what the couple, specifically the man, expected in the relationship.  

"It's the shift in expectation," licensed clinical psychologist Ramani Durvasula tells Business Insider. "The violation of expectation and the subsequent financial power that can come from a promotion may unsettle an existing canon within that relationship. And it may be a hard adjustment, especially for a male partner whose needs may have been well served by the existing state of affairs." 

While this research has focused on opposite-sex couples, one would imagine that the lessons for nurturing a healthy longterm relationship would apply to same-sex partners, too.

So what can couples do to avoid these disturbing trends? 


1. Ladies, don't be shy about your career ambitions.

couple talking smiling
Get on the same page early on, relationship experts advise. Roman Kosolapov/Shutterstock

Women, set expectations early on with your male partner. 

"Don't be shy about your aspirations and ambitions while dating," says Durvasula, author of "Should I Stay or Should I Go" and expert for Campowerment, a company that builds empowerment through retreats.

"If you think a potential partner is going to send you packing because you indicate you want to pursue a career, or work throughout your children's lives, then it may be better to let them go, or this will always be a fight in your relationship." 


2. Talk about your work and household expectations before marriage.

Couple Talking on Bench
Don't be afraid to have tough conversations before tying the knot. Flickr / mrhayata

Relationships are most vulnerable when initial expectation about gender roles are overturned, The Atlantic first reported. To avoid that, it's important to establish common ground regarding career and household roles, says relationship expert and certified coach Jessica Yaffa

"Prior to entering into a lifelong commitment, have conversations with your partner surrounding expectations related to roles, finances, and the sharing of responsibilities," Yaffa says.

These conversations should establish expectations, and let each partner discuss how each partner will meet them.

Ask your partner: What would we do if I were asked to relocate? What would we do if it was you who were asked? Who will take parental leave? How do you envision us handling childcare? Daily activities such as dropping the kids off to school? Picking them up in the afternoon? 


3. Share household chores and family duties from the beginning.

washing dishes cleaning home kitchen
In heterosexual couples, the woman often shoulders more of the household work than the man. Dougal Waters / Getty Images

Couples who split household duties are happier, research shows. And they're less likely to have trouble if a woman gets promoted, Durvasula says. 

"I do not believe that a healthy, balanced and satisfying relationship with a good balance of roles within the relationship, for example, shared burdens vis a vis chores and child-rearing, would be threatened or ended (due to) a female partner's promotion," Durvasula says. 

"My guess is that more traditional gender-roled relationships, in which these roles, like chores, were not balanced, were the relationships that will take the hit."  

In her new book, "Fair Play," Harvard lawyer and organizational expert Eve Rodsky argues that balancing household duties goes beyond simply having the one partner tackle one group of chores and the other partner do another. This traditional method depends on one of the partners assuming the "worry work" of delegating to the other.

Instead, Rodsky argues, that partners should have a list of chores they own from beginning to end. For example, if the husband agrees to pick up the kids from school, he would be responsible for knowing what time each day they need to be picked up, and picking them up. He wouldn't rely on his wife to delegate or tell him. Similarly, if the wife agrees to handle family birthday parties, she would plan ahead, buy balloons, and bake a cake. She wouldn't rely on her husband to pick up supplies or make sure everyone is home.


4. Have room for continued conversations throughout your relationship/marriage.

wedding, hands
Schedule time with your husband or wife to check in on how you're both feeling about your careers and family life. Shutterstock

Conversations around career and family roles should happen periodically throughout a relationship or marriage. 

"There needs to be space to redefine roles and responsibilities," Yaffa says. "Ask for help if you need it — through a coach or therapist." 

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