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From dresses to makeup, here's what bridesmaids are traditionally expected to pay for

bridesmaids wedding
Generally, bridesmaids are expected to pay for their dresses although there are exceptions. iStock
  • When you agree to be in someone's wedding, the costs can add up quickly.
  • But just what should you pay for and what should the bride and groom pay for?
  • Traditionally in the US, wedding experts say bridesmaids are expected to pay for their own dresses, which cost on average $143, according to The Knot's most recent Wedding Attire Study.
  • That said, some brides or grooms will pay for their bridesmaids' accessories or hair and makeup.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more.

Weddings can be quite expensive, particularly for the couple getting married. But it's also not cheap to be in the wedding party. Between the bachelor and bachelorette parties to buying your own attire, costs quickly add up when you become a bridesmaid or groomsmen.

Many may wonder just who is supposed to pay for all of this? Insider spoke with Esther Lee, senior news editor of wedding website The Knot, as well as celebrity fashion designer Dalia MacPhee about who should foot these wedding bills

Most of the time, in the US, the bridal party is expected to cover the cost of their own attire

"Traditionally, the bridal party is expected to cover the cost of their wedding ensemble, which includes everything from the dress to shoes and accessories," Esther Lee, senior news editor of The Knot, told Insider. 

Lee said according to The Knot's currently unreleased 2018 Wedding Attire Study, the cost of a bridesmaid dress last year was roughly $143 and has remained relatively the same for nearly a decade. In that same year, only 5% of dresses exceeded the amount of $250 and the same percentage of dresses cost less than $50.


Of course, it's worth noting that many weddings don't have traditional wedding parties and that not all bridesmaids will be expected to wear dresses. Another trend on the rise is for bridesmaids to be able to choose their own dress in a specific color palette, meaning they can choose just how much they want to spend on the dress.

Some brides will offer to pay for the bridesmaid dresses in special cases 

i love you man wedding bride bridesmaids bouqet
Lee said based on The Knot's recent study, only 10% of brides pay for their bridesmaids' dresses. DreamWorks/IMDb

There are exceptions to the rule. According to The Knot's study, about 10% of brides reported paying for their bridal party's dresses in 2018.

Celebrity fashion designer Dalia MacPhee told Insider one of the reasons couples may offer to pay for part or all of a bridesmaid's dress is if it's very expensive and not in the bridesmaids' budgets.

"A bride who is feeling generous or is requesting the bridesmaids wear a dress that is considered expensive or over the normal expense of a bridesmaid dress is one way the bill may be transferred over to the bride," MacPhee said. "There may also be the case where one of the bridesmaids may not be in the financial position to afford a dress, in which case either the bride or other bridesmaids may offer to pitch in."


MacPhee said that many suggest that being asked to be in a bridal party is an honor and the one being honored should foot the bill.

When it comes to hair, makeup, and accessories, the rules can vary

bridal party
Some individuals getting married pay for their wedding party's accessories. Shutterstock

After the dress, there is still a slew of other expenses from shoes to hair and makeup. The rules around who pays for what are mixed. Some brides gift their bridal party accessories or other tiny favors before the big day, according to Lee.

"Often, we'll see brides gift their party accessories like jewelry to wear on the wedding day," Lee told Insider. "If they opt for floor-length gowns, shoes typically aren't specified."

Brides will also pay for their wedding party's professionally done hair and makeup, but not always. Lee said according to data from The Knot's unreleased 2018 wedding survey, in 2018 47% of brides paid for their wedding party to have professionally styled hair and 43% paid for them to have their makeup professionally done, which the survey estimated cost $74 and $71 per person, respectively.


But when it comes to any floral arrangements, the couple should pay.

"It is the expectation for brides to cover the costs of any floral arrangement such as bouquets, corsages, and accessories like living floral jewelry or flower crowns, for her wedding party," Lee told Insider.

The couple getting married should definitely cover transportation, ceremony, and reception costs as well

Lee said it's also typically expected that the couple getting married will cover transportation to and from the hotel, ceremony, and reception.

"For couples hosting a rehearsal dinner and expecting their wedding party members to stay in a hotel or other rental with them the night before the wedding, the couple is expected to foot the bill on this, too," she added. "Your wedding party may have already split a room with a plus-one for the night of the wedding celebration, but they shouldn't have to pay for the room the day prior."


Being a bridesmaid can be an exciting and love-filled experience, but it can also be an expensive one. So if you're not certain what you're expected to spend or purchase, you might consider having an open discussion with the couple getting married. 

Read the original article on INSIDER. Copyright 2019.

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