Shia LaBeouf Is Sitting In A Room With A Bag Over His Head For An Art Stunt In L.A.

    People can come in off the street one by one for the #IAMSORRY exhibit, but the actor doesn't say a word. It's kind of weird, and it's across the street from BuzzFeed's L.A. office.

    Shia LaBeouf is appearing in an art exhibit called #IAMSORRY in L.A.

    When a guest first enters the space, a woman, who appears to be Rönkkö, invites the guest to choose from one of many "implements" on a table.

    Then the guest is invited behind a black curtain, where LaBeouf is sitting at a table, in a tuxedo, with a paper bag over his head with the text "I am not famous anymore" written over it.
