13 Things Hollywood Always Gets Wrong About Other Countries, According To People Who Are Actually From There

    "That [my part of the country is] full of dumb, incestuous, lewd, backward people. When, in fact, there are many unique and cool things other people could learn from."

    Recently, I asked the BuzzFeed Community what Hollywood always gets wrong about the place they live.

    Here are 13 things people said movies and TV always get wrong about their country:

    1. "French people almost always speaking English and helping out Americans. So many don't speak English, and even if they do, finding someone nice and helpful in the city who will give you a few minutes of their time just doesn't happen."

    Camille helps translate for Emily and the flower seller on Emily in Paris

    2. "Japan — we don't have so many neon signs like they put in the movies. I know a lot of people imagine Japan as some high-tech cyberpunk place, but it's not at all. We may have some cool gadgets, but Japan is very VERY analog everywhere."

    Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye in a dimly lit, neon street scene

    3. "I’m Canadian. Never in my 40 years of living here, have I ever heard another Canadian pronounce 'about' as 'aboot.'"

    South Park characters, an animated Canadian official and a TV host, are depicted in a scene with the official emphasizing the word "aboot" and the host questioning what's funny

    4. "We actually have summer in Canada, believe it or not. Over the past few days, it's been 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in some parts of the country."

    Three characters from "How I Met Your Mother" are at a bar. Robin says she and someone dated for a week and a half. Barney is surprised because he thought they dated all summer. Robin clarifies that summer in Canada is just the last week of July

    5. "Haitian living in United States — it will never cease to amaze me how much my culture has been dumbed down to voodoo/vodou."

    Two men in a dimly lit room with candles and religious artifacts. One man, in an open shirt, lies unconscious, while the other man, in a collared shirt, holds him

    6. "Türkiye [Turkey]. Do I have to tell more? Always with the Sahara-like pictures, and we don't have any place like this."

    A man rides a camel across a vast, empty desert under a clear sky in a scene from a movie

    7. "Hollywood always thinks English people speak like they're either aristocratic or selling fruit on a market stall...or Scottish."

    Colin Firth in period attire with high collar as Mr. Darcy

    8. "English person here! We don't sit and drink tea all day, and we definitely do not know the king! If we ever saw the king, we would not be allowed within 10 feet of him!"

    Benedict Cumberbatch, as Sherlock Holmes, sits on a couch, holding a cup of tea, with a violin and papers on a table behind him

    9. "Great Britain — that's England, Wales, and Scotland, and Northern Ireland makes the United Kingdom. England is separate from the others, if you're just referring to us! The other three are distinct countries and have their own language, culture, and traditions."

    A distant view of illuminated Hogwarts Castle at night, with a crescent moon in the sky, from the Harry Potter movies. labeled "not in England"

    10. "My coworker from England wants people to know that not every British person is an evil villain who is plotting to take over the world."

    Benedict Cumberbatch surrounded by Starfleet officers in uniforms

    11. "I'm from a small village in North Yorkshire, UK, and have never once had a big bloody plane crash [like on the soap opera Emmerdale]."

    A man is sitting in a car, looking up with a surprised expression in both images. Light is shining from outside the vehicle

    12. "I was watching an episode of New Amsterdam when the series was set in London, and wow! They didn’t get the car registrations even remotely right, and the police/ambulance sirens were wrong too!"

    Ryan Eggold and Freema Agyeman standing face-to-face on a street with a double-decker bus in the background

    13. And finally: "That Appalachia and the [American] South in general are full of dumb, incestuous, lewd, backward people. When, in fact, there are many unique and cool things other people could learn from."

    From Hannah Montana, Top: Uncle Earl says, "You folks sure live high on the hog!" Bottom: Jackson enters the room, leading a pet pig on a leash. Subtitles read, "Speaking of hogs, I can't believe you brought Cuddles!"

    What's something Hollywood always gets wrong about your country? Which movies or TV shows are the most annoying examples? Let us know in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length/clarity.
