16 Rude And Entitled Neighbors Who Make A Good Case For Buying A Plot Of Land In The Middle Of Nowhere

    Suddenly, buying a cabin deep in the wilderness seems really appealing.

    Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, chances are you have neighbors. So, you probably know that neighbors can sometimes be great and sometimes a bit of a nightmare. Here are 16 examples of the nightmare ones:

    1. "One of my neighbors started putting a cone down to save 'their' spot in our complex."

    An empty parking space with a single orange cone in the middle, beside a white SUV parked next to a gray brick wall

    2. "My neighbor (red) parked behind me (white)."

    Two cars parked closely, bumper to bumper on a street. The front of a maroon car touches the back of a white car

    3. "Neighbors installed this to stop trucks from entering our residential area. Firetrucks and ambulances will not be able to go through as well."

    Car narrowly avoids hitting a horizontally installed elevated barrier pole blocking part of a road at night

    4. "Parents left for vacation for a week and left the neighbor’s daughter in charge of feeding them. Tank is basically dead."

    An aquarium filled with water and rocks at the bottom, with a light inside. A hose is attached to the tank's top edge. Room walls visible in the background

    5. "My neighbor sprayed herbicide on my back lot to make himself a parking spot."

    A black pickup truck is parked on a dirt patch next to a road, adjacent to a wooded area and utility pole

    6. "See the three cute little strawberries I'm going to pick from my garden and give to my wife today? Yeah, me either, because one of my neighbors reached over and stole all three of them. The first three the plant grew, and that I've been waiting weeks to pick."

    Young strawberry plant growing through a hole in black plastic mulch, with green leaves spread out

    7. "My neighbor's parking, and no it’s not temporary. Been like this for three days."

    A quiet suburban street with several two-story houses, a black car parked with its trunk open, and a white car visible in the foreground

    8. "I live in one of the most expensive neighborhoods of Colombia. This is how some of my neighbors dispose of their dog poop."

    Plastic waste and discarded items at the base of a large tree with exposed roots and surrounding dirt

    9. "Neighbors put hot charcoal and fireworks in the trash can next to my car."

    The image shows the back end of a damaged car with a severely dented and torn rear bumper, exposing parts like the exhaust pipe and inner components

    10. "Neighbors pile their trash up IN FRONT of the empty dumpster."

    Trash bags and litter are strewn around a blue dumpster and a green dumpster, beside a concrete wall with trees in the background

    11. "Neighbor not happy that we mowed one row into his lawn, so he decided to spray grass killer to make a point."

    A residential neighborhood with a row of houses and a narrow, worn path running through the middle of a grassy lawn

    12. "Our neighbors moved a month ago and left their bike locked to the fence."

    A blue bicycle secured to a pole with a Kryptonite Keeper bike lock. The bike is on a grassy and rocky surface

    13. "Cigarette butts from neighbor above."

    Two Panasonic outdoor air conditioning units on a concrete surface, surrounded by scattered cigarette butts

    14. "Downstairs neighbors caused my pipes to back up for three days so we all get this notice on our doors."

    Notice to residents about flushing baby wipes and a long braid of hair down the toilet, causing clogs and damage. Only toilet paper should be flushed

    15. "Neighbor attempting to protect moped by blocking the alley used by all. Not even effective, unless the thief can't move a wooden pallet."

    Motorbike with license plate FE12 HME and an L-plate is parked in a narrow alley behind a wooden fence

    16. "My neighbor (we live in apartments) keeps doing this because she doesn’t want anyone parking NEXT to her car (she’s not disabled)."

    Several potted plants and a white bucket are arranged on a paved outdoor area in front of apartment buildings

    H/T: r/mildlyinfuriating