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Catalin Radu

Catalin Radu

Director General of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan


Darkhan Yespotanov

Darkhan Yespotanov

Deputy General Director for Aviation Security


Асем Сеитова

Асем Сеитова

Deputy General Director for support and resources


Tamara Archuadze

Tamara Archuadze

Senior Director for Aviation Infrastructure

Zhanat Abdugalimov

Zhanat Abdugalimov

Senior Director of the Quality Control and Safety Analysis Department


Zhanna Shek

Zhanna Shek

Senior Director of the Strategic development and Stakeholder Management Department


Oleg Avdeev

Oleg Avdeev

Director of Air Navigation Department


Kairat Urazbayev

Kairat Urazbayev

Director of the Finance Department


Daniyar Kanlybayev

Daniyar Kanlybayev

Senior Director of the Aviation Security Department