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TNA Impact recap & playlist (Apr. 25, 2024): Rebellion fallout for Matt Hardy, Nic Nemeth, Santana, & more

Rebellion made waves with the TNA returns of Matt Hardy, Santana, and Sami Callihan. Nic Nemeth came up short against Moose for the world championship, but the question remained if that chapter was over. TNA addressed Nemeth’s future, how Hardy folds into the mix moving forward, and others loose ends for a quick build toward Under Siege.

Let’s boogie through the latest episode of Impact (Apr. 25, 2024) from start to finish.

Nic Nemeth lost to Moose when challenging for the TNA World Championship. Nemeth took the loss on the chin with no excuses, however, he felt broken inside. Enter Matt Hardy to show support. He pointed out how Nemeth’s shoulder was up on the pinfall. Hardy offered words of encouragement to challenge again, except it will be Hardy holding the gold at that time. Enter The System in a huff with Moose spewing insults. Eddie Edwards talked smack, and that reignited Nemeth’s fire to fight. TNA booked Nemeth versus Edwards for the TV main event.

Mustafa Ali decided to let the ballot box choose his next challenger to make the X-Division great again.

Jordynne Grace spoke to Deputy of Authority Santino Marella about making her match next week against Miyu Yamashita for the Knockouts Championship.

Santana defeated Myron Reed. Santana took out the Rascalz with a cannonball outside, then he pinned Reed on a discus lariat. Afterward, Steve Maclin and the Rascalz trio surrounded the ring for revenge. The Rascalz left Maclin hanging as payback for taking them for granted.

Steph De Lander and Big Kon challenged Grace and PCO for a tag match at Under Siege.

Josh Alexander defeated Frankie Kazarian. Alexander decided it was time to become world champion again, but Kaz butt in to say he should be next in line. An impromptu match ensued. Kaz tried to cheat with a steel chain, however, Eric Young prevented the chicanery. Kaz flopped to act like Young hit him, so the referee ejected Young. Alexander snatched Kaz’s foot for an ankle lock to win.

Alexander Hammerstone and Jake Something got heated, so Santino booked them in a match at Under Siege. The Rascalz stuffed the ballot box in the background.

Rapper Bun B accompanied AJ Francis and Rich Swann. They are going to teach Joe Hendry a valuable lesson in respect. Hendry appeared and said he would humbly apologize next week.

Xia Brookside defeated Ash by Elegance. Ash weaseled in a pair of brass knuckles. The referee caught her in the act, then Brookside scored a roll-up in the hullabaloo.

Santino counted the X-Division ballot box. Trey Miguel won by 60 votes. Suspicions arose upon the realization that there weren’t even 60 people present. Ace Austin was in second place, so Santino decided to book Trey versus Ace for next week to determine Ali’s challenger for Under Siege.

Sami Callihan defeated the Good Hands. The Death Machine wasn’t fazed by the numbers. He handled business to pin Jason Hotch on a piledriver.

Maclin approached Kazarian about a partnership to deal with their enemies. Kaz didn’t trust Maclin, but he did consider the proposal.

Eddie Edwards defeated Nic Nemeth. Brian Myers caused a distraction to pick on Ryan Nemeth in the front row. Moose ran in to smash Nic with the world title belt. Edwards closed with a Boston Knee Party. Afterward, security held Ryan back as Moose cracked Nic’s neck with a chair.

Backstage, Nemeth was declared medically unfit for Under Siege. Hardy stepped in as a replacement. It will be Hardy, Mike Bailey, and Trent Seven versus The System at Under Siege.

This was a busy episode of Impact, which was necessary considering Under Siege is two weeks after Rebellion. It is an interesting choice to write Nemeth out due to injury. One would assume that keeps him out of the picture with Hardy in the main event scene. To add even more intrigue down the line, Josh Alexander wants the world title back. Does Hardy get to jump the line? Will Nemeth have to go through Alexander to get another crack? Lots of interesting questions need answers.

The rest of the show was nicely constructed with layers to the Impact Zone universe overlapping to produce several story points in the same scene.

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