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Tweets of the Week: Randy Orton’s high IQ, Jeff Hardy sings, more!

It’s time again for Sunday silliness on a Tuesday with the Tweets of the Week featuring random delights with a focus on the three B’s: bods, beasts, and buffoonery.

Oh, some of these might not be from this week nor be tweets. Enjoy it anyway.

Tommaso Ciampa is back trying to put Randy Orton in his place. Ciampa failed miserably due to Orton’s high viper IQ.

Jeff Hardy believes in Joe Hendry and riffed on the popular theme song.

Every pet owner can relate to Steve Austin in this instance.

Sticking with furry friends, Bayley’s feline proved the theory that cats land on their feet.

Ivy Nile, Jordynne Grace, and Masha Slamovich are taking pushups to the next level.

Clowning around with R-Truth can be dangerous for Miz’s health.

You’ll never guess who is under the mask.

Thunder Rosa should tag team with Luchahausen.

Konosuke Takeshita is an evil man. Don Callis would be proud.

Mark Briscoe delivered the phrase of the day.


Closing with Baron Corbin cooking steaks in Spain.

It’s tough to beat hot meat with a view like that.

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