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Johnny Gargano returns to WWE on Raw

We haven’t seen Johnny Gargano since late 2021, when he gave an emotional farewell to NXT and seemed to part ways with WWE. He was having a child and the time had come for him to ponder what his future in professional wrestling would look like.

In the meantime, he did some Twitch streaming and the occasional appearance to sign an autograph or two. There were rumors that have floated around but nothing concrete.

Then, deep into this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in a surprise that wasn’t spoiled by anyone beforehand, Gargano’s music hit the loudspeakers and he made his return to the company to a loving reception from the fans up north.

So what did he have to say?

He wondered if he was going to retire but he’s long had dreams to become a United States champion, an Intercontinental champion, the WWE champion, and of wrestling at WrestleMania. So what kind of father would he be if he didn’t come back to fight for those dreams?

“You will never fail if you bet on yourself. So that is what I am doing here in Toronto, I am betting on myself. And I stand here incredibly proud to say Johnny Wrestling is back in WWE.”

Theory hit the scene shortly after for something of a reunion with his former NXT stablemate in The Way. It wasn’t a happy one. Theory ran his mouth and got superkicked to the end the segment.

Gargano is back.

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