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‘Released’ WWE wrestler Brooks Jensen gets kicked out of NXT, teases going to TNA

NXT’s Brooks Jensen has been working an angle that he was recently released from WWE. One of his targets has been NXT head honcho Shawn Michaels, as he showed up at a live event over the weekend with a “Bret Would Book Better” sign in reference to Michaels’ legendary rivalry with Bret Hart.

Security escorted Jensen out of that show, and they did the same thing when he crashed NXT’s television broadcast last night (June 4) at the WWE Performance Center to confront announcers Vic Joseph and Booker T.

Minutes later, Jensen posted a video to his X/Twitter continuing the story. In it, he teases showing up on Impact Wrestling — something that seems not only possible but probable in light of Jordynne Grace’s current involvement in the NXT Women’s title scene.

“I just wanna know why. Why, of all people in the Performance Center, me? For three years I’ve busted my tail, I’ve said, ‘Yes sir’, ‘No sir’, ‘Yes ma’am,’ ‘No ma’am’`, I’ve done all the right things to make it to the top — but for some reason, they just don’t see it in me.

“And when I try to voice my opinion, when I try to ask the questions of why, instead of sitting back and taking it, they throw me out of the building?

“You know what the best thing about this is now? I can go anywhere I want. Who knows? Maybe I can make an impact.”

It also seems like Jensen’s alcohol consumption may play a part in this storyline. He frequently posts about his drinking, often tagging NXT in those tweets:

While we wait to see if Brooks does indeed show up on a Thursday night to “make an impact”, let us know what you think about this angle in the comments below.

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