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WWE SmackDown results, live blog (July 19, 2024): Contract signing

Follow along with this week’s episode, featuring a United States championship contract signing, Cody Rhodes kicking off the show, and more!

WWE Friday Night SmackDown comes waltzing back into our lives tonight (July 19, 2024) with a live show emanating from the CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska, featuring all the latest build to the upcoming SummerSlam premium live event early next month in Cleveland.

Advertised for tonight: Logan Paul returns to the show for a United States championship contract signing against none other than LA Knight (YEAH).

Also on the card: WWE Champion Cody Rhodes will kick off the show to respond to The Bloodline’s beating from last week, Tiffany Stratton squares off with Michin in singles action, and Andrade and Carmelo Hayes settle their differences after kicking up an argument last week. All that and more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the SmackDown live blog kicks off once the show starts on FOX. It will be below this line here. (Note: Links to illegal streams are prohibited. Pics and GIFs are allowed.)


Thousand of cars and a million guitars screaming with power in the air. We’ve found the place where the decibels race, this army of rock will be there. But me? I’m just here liveblogging this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with a recap of last week’s show, and in particular the vicious Bloodline beatdown of Cody Rhodes nad Randy Orton.

“American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He says Randy Orton is a friend but before that he was a mentor. Randy picked him when others discarded him, and he wouldn’t be standing here as champion without Orton. So imagine his guilt watching this Bloodline put Randy Orton through a table. Family is not always blood, his song says “Wrestling has more than one royal family” and Randy is family, Randy is his brother.

If he were here he wouldn’t want Cody to wax poetic talking about guilt and shame, and instead of talking about all that he’d rather look directly into the camera and talk to the man responsible, Solo Sikoa. He looked Solo in the eyes before WrestleMania 39 and told him he wasn’t ready, and he paid him back in kind by costing him the very title he’s holding now.

Enter A-Town Down Under, for some reason.

Austin Theory says Cody’s spending a lot of time talking about the Bloodline but because of him, Jacob Fatu attacked him last week and now his cheek is swollen. Swollen! Cody asks if it wasn’t because of Grayson Waller kneeing him in the face, but Waller prevaricates about Rhodes not being willing to own up to his buddy getting hurt.

And furthermore Cody is why Randy got hurt. They get in the ring and Rhodes starts swinging! A fighting man at ringside we were shown during Cody’s entrance gives him the chair from under his own butt so Rhodes can send the heels packing!

Carmelo Hayes is getting a trim backstage and he tells Andrade that he’s going to win tonight, in so many words, as we go to break.

Back from commercial, Cody Rhodes runs into Nick Aldis and asks for a match against A-Town Down Under.

Nick insists he find a tag partner, Cody objects that he can handle them both to send a message to the Bloodline, but Aldis points out that if the champ gets hurt in a handicap match it’s on his head, and tells Rhodes he has until the end of the night.

Andrade el Idolo vs. Carmelo Hayes

Fast-paced feeling out, off the ropes, Andrade has the dropdown scouted, bodyscissors pin gets a jackknife, neither go very far! Trading forearms, off the ropes, Hayes clobbers him but el Idolo returns the favor with a big boot! Dropkick from Melo, hanging him in the ropes, Fade Away connects and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Hayes in control, off the ropes, huge lariat from Andrade! El Idolo running hot, corner knees, cover for two! Melo with La Mistica for two of his own, Andrade with a moonsault, land on his feet, standing moonsault connects! Back suplex, Hayes lands on his feet, leg kick gets an overhand chop and Carmelo drops him with a knee!

Wicked back elbow... MELO KICKS OUT! Andrade off the top, countered with the Codebreaker, Hayes goes up top, nobody home, roll through, el Idolo swings him around...

Andrade el Idolo wins by pinfall with The Message.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Bayley and Nia Jax do a sit-down satellite interview with Corey Graves.

Nia says she’s not even listening and you just need to look at her and look at Bayley to know you should start feeling sorry for Bayley because she’s going to put her down like an old, sick, dog. The Role Model says Jax hasn’t changed in ten years and Nia protests that she should be addressed as Queen Nia.

Bayley says she’ll call her how she likes and Nia is the same heartless woman with a big mouth who thinks she owns the place and says Jax took her out of her SummerSlam match years ago and she didn’t hurt her because she’s so mean and vicious, but because she’s big, clumsy, and reckless.

This gets Nia mad and she says she’s content being Queen of the Ring and she’s coming for that title because she gets to take it off of Bayley. Bayley has bad news for her, and she doesn’t want her to listen to what people are saying about how much bigger she is, and if she’s saying she’s changed so much, well so has Bayley, and she’s walking out champion and there’s not a damn thing Nia can do to stop her.

Jax freaks out and tears her earpiece off and storms out.

We get footage from earlier of Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill arguing with Chelsea Green and Piper Niven over who gets to talk to Nick Aldis first. Bianca says since they can’t decide who goes first they should settle it in the ring.

Bianca Belair makes her entrance to send us to break.

Bianca Belair vs. Chelsea Green

Green with a slap, Belair returns it, big German suplex dumps Chelsea on her dome! Handspring moonsault, nobody home, charging in, Bianca with the backbreaker rack, Green slips out, O’Connor roll reversed...

Bianca Belair wins by pinfall with an O’Connor roll.

Post-match, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn appear on the tron and talk about how they have all the power but they’re going to give Bianca and Jade a tiny glimpse next week, but when it comes to a rematch... we’ll see.

LA Knight is shown walking backstage to send us to break.

Back from commercial, general manager Nick Aldis is in the ring to preside over a contract signing for the United States Championship.

The contract has already been signed by him and by LA Knight, so all that’s left is to get the champion’s signature.

Aldis introduces LA Knight and Logan Paul.

Paul says he’s not giving Knight a title shot but LA fires back and says every time they’ve been face-to-face he’s owned and cooked him and he keeps making his case but Logan cuts him off and says Knight needs the match but he doesn’t and that’s a fact. He talks about all his extracurriculars and says LA is a gym rat with a spray tan and a catchphrase cosplaying the Rock.

Knight says that’s nothing he hasn’t heard before and he wants to talk about frauds, Logan is out here pretending to be the United States Champion but he won’t sign a contract. He mentioned his brother? Jake jumped in the ring with Mike Tyson but Logan doesn’t have the balls to fight him now?

That gets Paul’s dander up and he says he’ll sign the contract and give him a shot at glory. After SummerSlam, he’ll have nothing, and he opens the contract back up and draws a map to where LA can stick his dreams of being WWE Champion.

Logan shoves him, LA shoves him back, Aldis gets between them but it doesn’t last and Paul lands a cheap shot! Knight manages to get hands on him for the BFT but Logan runs away!

We get a hype reel for Tiffany Stratton.

Tiffany Stratton makes her entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Santos Escobar rolls up on LA Knight and congratulates him on finally getting his United States Championship match.

Knight asks where he’s going and Escobar offers a friendly reminder, everybody knows if it was the two of them one on one he would have won. LA says if he wants to get in touch his mom has his number, and Santos says a match before his title shot is a bad idea but if he’s eager to squander his opportunity like that, he’ll help.

“Michin” Mia Yim vs. Tiffany Stratton

Collar and elbow, Stratton shoves her down, Yim gets an inside cradle, dropkick, putting her in the corner, cannonball senton connects, cover for two! Chest kicks, Tiffany bails to the floor for a breather! Mia chases her, Nia Jax gets in the way and Stratton hits an Alabama Slam on the floor to send us to break!

Back from commercial, senton atomico, Stratton in control. Handspring back elbow, thrust spinebuster, cover for two! Yim comes back with a backslide, big lariat, thrust kick, dropkick connects! Jumping neckbreaker, chop in the corner, step-up tornado DDT... SO CLOSE! Tiffany slings her into the ropes, hip attack, off the ropes, wicked dropkick, cover for two!

Up in the corner, missile dropkick from Michin, fired up, Stratton cuts her off, goes up top, but Bayley comes down for a distraction! She puts Nia Jax over the timekeeper’s barricade and clocks her with the briefcase! The Role Model smashes the case against announce desk and steel steps a few times before opening it, inverting it, and stomping it!

Mia from behind...

Mia Yim wins by pinfall with a schoolboy pin.

Post-match, Bayley gingerly puts the contract back in the battered briefcase and slides it in the ring to Stratton.

The Bloodline get a promo.

Solo Sikoa says life is good when you’re Tribal Chief, but it’s also busy. He never has a moment to himself, and when he does, he likes a good mystery. Not of who’s going to be Cody Rhodes’ tag team partner, no, who’s going to step up and disrespect him by teaming with Cody Rhodes. (Those are the same thing bud.)

He asks rhetorically if you’ve seen what they did to Randy Orton and issues a warning about siding against him to send us to break.

Back from commercial, commentary hypes up next week’s show for us.

Kevin Owens is backstage with Cody Rhodes, so we know who his partner is tonight.

They make their entrance and we go to break.

A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller) vs. “American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens

Babyfaces in control early, working Theory over, quick tags, big back elbow from Owens and Austin bails to the floor! Chop, back inside, tag to Rhodes and the heels cut him off and work him over against the ropes. Passing Grayson into the corner, tag to KO, throwing hands, backing Waller into the ropes and stomping a proverbial mudhole on him!

To the floor, Owens with lariats on both guys, fired up, duck a lariat, Manhattan Drop feeds into an enzuigiri, cannonball in the corner, senton atomico off the top but Grayson got the knees up! Theory tags in, rolling thunder dropkick connects! Clear the apron, tag back to Waller! Backbreaker into an elbow drop, clear the apron, cover for a nearfall and we go to break!

Back from commercial, KO down and out, heels making quick tags. Up top, jockeying for position, Waller staggered, senton atomico lands true! Tags made, Rhodes lighting Theory up with punches, flying forearm, snap scoop powerslam! Front kick into the drop down slap, a little Flip, Flop, & Fly into the Bionic Elbow!

Scoop, Waller tags himself in, Cody doesn’t see it, DDT on Austin! Grayson slides in, jumping reverse STO, cover for two! Match breaks down, Waller almost kicks Theory and Cody hits a Cody Cutter on Austin! Stunner for Grayson, Rhodes has Theory...

Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens win by pinfall with Cross Rhodes on Austin Theory.

Post-match, Solo Sikoa makes his way down flanked by the Guerrillas of Destiny. Cody makes the first move and dives on them! Tonga Loa looking for Apeshit on KO but Owens shrugs him off and rakes the eyes! Clearing the announce table, Cody manhandling Solo, but here comes Jacob Fatu to save the day!

Rhodes into the steel steps, superkick for Kev, back inside, putting boots and headbutts to him! The Samoan Werewolf gets a head of steam for the Ode to Rikishi! Another one! Diving headbutt! Fatu heads around to Cody on the floor, Solo directs traffic... TRIPLE POWERBOMB THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK!

Tama Tonga horsecollars KO with a steel chair... AND RAMS HIM INTO THE RINGPOST!

Jacob retrieves the Tribal Chief’s lei and crowns him while they stand tall over Cody Rhodes, writhing in agony.

That’s the show, folks.

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