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ITS Capstone Units

Integrating academic learning with its practical application in the workplace to solve real-world problems

Capstone Project Units are an opportunity for students to showcase all the skills and knowledge they gain throughout their degree. Usually, in the final semester of their degree, students choose to work on a project under the supervision of industry and academic mentors.

The aim of this unit is to bridge their classroom learnings with the practicalities of the industry. Just another way to make sure our students are work-ready, world-ready and future-ready!

Here is a list of some of our industry partners students have worked with so far -

ACT GovernmentAbility NEwsDiversity Arrays
DELV Pty LtdFair Canberra Inc.Hope Holistic Care
Hyper ScalersMiller Health Pty LtdRecovery VR
Solution TechnologyWomen in ICTDepartment of Health
AlbatrossDigital Transformation AgencyAegis9
National Archives of AustraliaCatholic EducationGoterra

Find out more about the Capstone Units

Undergraduate units
Information & Communication Technology Project
Engineering Project (Part A)
Engineering Project (Part B)

Postgraduate units
Technology Capstone Research Project 
Technology Project
Engineering Project

Interested in sponsoring a project?

Both students and industry sponsors take a keen interest in this unit, which largely depends on the coordination and support mechanisms. Sponsors, particularly industry sponsors, are an important part of this program where they provide valuable time and insight by offering suitable projects for the students.

Potential benefits to the sponsors –

  • University will provide students to work on a project of the sponsor organisation's choosing at no cost.
  • University will provide supervision and support to the student project teams.
  • The sponsor organisation can gain access to final year ICT students, potentially improving the quality of graduate intake.
  • The sponsor organisation can raise its profile among final-year students.
  • Sponsor organisation can potentially influence future directions and curriculum of the ICT courses, better prepare the next generation ICT workforce.

Our ITS students are trained in many areas, including data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, mobile computing, cloud computing, business analytics and intelligence, website development, business and system analysis, cybersecurity, agile development, software engineering methodologies, information systems, project management, programming and many other areas of relevance to industry.

The resource and time commitment of the sponsor are entirely at the sponsor's discretion. The academic supervisors will work with you collaboratively to provide the support and guidance the project teams require.

Express your interest for Semester 2, 2024

In addition, depending on the project sponsors/industry partners' requirements, students involved may enter into a Deed Poll to assign any intellectual property created by the student to the project sponsor/industry partner. The University and industry partners will also make a student Project Agreement regarding the intellectual property.

Relevant Documents:

Student Project Agreement

Student IP Deed Poll

The ITS Capstone Expo

At the end of the semester,  we celebrate the work of our students and industry partners at the ITS Capstone Expo.  Student teams present their projects to their supervisors and project sponsors. This provides the students to connect with the industry and often has led to employment after graduate.

The Semester 1 2024 is scheduled to be on Wednesday 29 May 2024

Date and Time: Wednesday 29 May 2024, 1.30 PM - 4:30 PM
To RSVP for the Expo for Semester 1, 2024 - go to this link.

Recent expos:

14 November 2022: UC’s IT and Systems students tackle real world problems at Capstone Project Expo.

4 November 2021: UC’s ITS Semester Two 2021 Capstone Project Expo celebrates student achievements.

22 June 2021: UC’s 2021 IT&S Capstone Expo emphasises strong ties with industry.

If you have any questions or queries, contact the unit convenors at
[email protected]

Dr. Ahmed Imran

Dr. Richa Awasthy


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