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Caregiver Corner: Supporting a loved one with Parkinson’s disease | COMMENTARY

Mary Chaput of the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities
By Matthew Cole/Baltimore Sun Media Group
Mary Chaput of the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities

Dear Mary,

My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Unfortunately, other than knowing that people with Parkinson’s have tremors, I don’t know much about the disease. My parents didn’t ask any questions of the doctor and he apparently presented the diagnosis without an explanation of what to expect as far as the disease progression. I would like to know more about what the future will bring so that I can help and support my parents. With all the information out there on the internet, what are some reliable resources?

Dear Reader,

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves. Symptoms begin gradually and worsen as time goes on. The progression of the disease can vary among individuals diagnosed but the most common symptoms we see include:

Tremors or shaking, usually in a hand.

Slowed movement, shorter steps, difficulty getting out of a chair, dragging or shuffling feet when walking.

Rigid or stiff muscles which can be painful and result in a limited range of motion.

Impaired posture and balance; posture may be stooped and the risk of falling increases.

Speech may be slurred; the voice can become very soft and flat.

Loss of automatic movements causing a decreased ability to perform unconscious movements, such as blinking, smiling, or swinging their arms when walking.

As the disease continues to progress, you will notice that Parkinson’s disease is not just a movement disorder. The disease also affects many of the following aspects of life. It is important to keep his doctor updated when there are any physical or emotional changes as some of these symptoms are treatable.

Cognitive problems to include memory loss and difficulty in making decisions and planning actions.

Emotional changes such as depression, fear anxiety and loss of motivation.

Swallowing problems and drooling.

Difficulty chewing.

Sleep issues to include waking up frequently during the night, falling asleep during the day and rapid eye movement sleep.

Inability to control their bladder or difficulty urinating.


Sudden drop in blood pressure when standing.

Changes in sense of smell.


Sexual dysfunction.

Although Parkinson’s disease cannot be cured, medications might significantly improve the patient’s symptoms. We are fortunate in Anne Arundel County to have both the Johns Hopkins Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders Center (410-502-0133) and the University of Maryland Medical System’s Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders Center (410-328-4323) close by. Both centers offer therapy programs as well as comprehensive education for the entire Parkinson’s disease family.

With clearance from you father’s physician, you may also want to check out the Movement Disorder Education and Exercise, Inc. This nonprofit organization helps individuals learn to manage and live with movement disorders, including Parkinson’s, through exercise and education programs. You can learn more about them at their website or by calling 410-916-1638.

When searching for information online, there are several reputable sights for Parkinson’s disease information to include:

The Parkinson’s Foundation (

The Michael J. Fox Foundation (

National Institute on Aging (

Mayo Clinic (

Dear Readers: Just a reminder that the Department of Aging and Disabilities Fall Caregivers’ Workshop series is ongoing. The Department also offers two hybrid family caregiver support groups each month. You can find information on either the workshops or support groups at, by calling 410-222-4375 or 410-222-4339, or by emailing [email protected].

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