Downtown Las Vegas

Downtown Las Vegas is a quirky alternative to the Las Vegas Strip, with good gambling, a grittier vibe and a diverse collection of restaurants, bars and casinos.

Fremont Hotel Gets a Fancy New Flatscreen TV

Fremont Hotel Gets a Fancy New Flatscreen TV

The Fremont Hotel & Casino downtown must've gotten a gift certificate to Best Buy, because it recently installed a massive...
Beware: Today’s Las Vegas Rip-Off

Beware: Today’s Las Vegas Rip-Off

Some days, we get callouses from all the face-palming. Today, the source of our consternation is "Ron's Light Show Parking,"...
Best Ice Cream in Las Vegas, Thy Name is Lappert’s

Best Ice Cream in Las Vegas, Thy Name is Lappert’s

Las Vegas is known for its seemingly endless bounty of sinful indulgences. The liquor. The gambling. The sex. Those things...

Recent Stories in Downtown Las Vegas