
What I did at Celtics Summer Camp

Letters from Vegas from various Celtics participants, entirely made up by me.

"Camp has been fun. The coaches have trusted me to play my game close to the rim at both ends. JD has been awesome at getting me the ball on lobs; I love that little guy! Everyone is trying their best; can’t wait for the fall and training camp! Peace, Neemi!" [translated from the Portuguese]

"Mr. Stevens and the coaches weren’t lying; everyone has been super encouraging about my shooting threes. And I had no idea so many Boston sports nerds would make the trip out here. I’m having fun playing D, too. We haven’t settled on a contract yet, but these guys seem to know what they’re doing! Time to get more reps on my long ball! All the best, Anton."

"Hey, Dad. You know I can ball; I wish some of these so-called reporters wouldn’t act so surprised when I show out. Also: when did NBA guys get so slow? They’re movin’ like you do in our driveway games. Anyway: I know the drill, keep doing what I can do the best I can and the smart ones will pick up on it. See you soon, Jaelen."

"It’s kinda fun being the ‘old guy’ this year with people listening to me when I call out defensive rotations and the like. I know, I know; I still gotta be louder. I’ll get there, I promise. Gotta get back to video and drills. Love to all y’all, JD"

"Man, second year has been different! I know I can make the three and defend, but it’s kinda weird being the ‘veteran presence’ when I’m 3 or 4 years younger than the new arrivals.I know, I know: I can get it figured out, it’ll just take a little more time. Bless, Jordan"

"Hey, Mom and Dad. I know: I can’t buy a shot. But they like my passing and rebounding, so that’s something at least. Guys out here strong, though! Even the guards; guess I’ll be hittin’ the weight room between now and training camp! Love to everyone, Baylor!"

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