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How to use CelticsBlog

A brief tutorial on the many options of interacting with the blog.

CelticsBlog has become a big place and there are a lot of options for those who want to comment or contribute to it. It can be confusing at first and some things can be overlooked if you aren't familiar with them. So here's a list of the ways you can interact on CelticsBlog.

Obviously if you want to be part of the silent majority, you are welcome to hang back and just read what everyone else says. There's no shame in that (despite my best efforts to shame people into commenting). However, if you want to have your own voice added to the mix, please consider one of the following options.

Comments on the blog posts - This is easy. You create a username and simply respond to what was written (or respond to what someone said in response to the post).

FanPosts - This is where you get to be the blogger. Write your own title, write a blog post, and publish it for others to see and comment on. The best ones get selected for Featured FanPosts and sometimes are highlighted on the front page.

FanShots- Similar to FanPosts, but less involved. If you just want to share a link or a picture or video, use this.

Forums - If you prefer forums or message boards, we've got a whole community of Celtics fans just waiting to interact with you. The one annoying note here is that the forums have a different log-in process so you'll have to register again. The software just isn't compatible and it isn't cost effective to tie them together.

Chat Room - Live interaction with other chatters. Usually only active on game nights or big events. No username necessary but it helps people to identify you if you use the same name you usually use elsewhere.

twitter - the CelticsBlog account is run by Jeff Clark as well as some auto-posting software that posts the latest CelticsBlog posts.

Facebook - the official CelticsBlog page can be found here and it gets updated with posts, amusing pictures, and interesting content. Give it a like.

Pick your favorite way to interact with the site (or sign up for all of them) and enjoy. Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you again (and again...) real soon.