Petition To Not Allow Jeff Bezos Re-Entry To Earth

Petition To Not Allow Jeff Bezos Re-Entry To Earth

June 9, 2021
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Signatures: 23,076Next Goal: 25,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Jose Ortiz

Jeff Bezos is actually Lex Luthor, disguised as the supposed owner of a super successful online retail store. However, he's actually an evil overlord hellbent on global domination. We've known this for years. Jeff has worked with the Epsteins and the Knights Templar, as well as the Free Masons to gain control over the whole world. He's also in bed with the flat earth deniers; it's the only way they'll allow him to leave the atmosphere. Meanwhile our government stands by and lets it happen.

This may be our last chance before they enable the 5G microchips and perform a mass takeover.

Sign the petition. Share with your friends and family. The fate of humanity is in your hands.

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Signatures: 23,076Next Goal: 25,000
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